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Reasoning quiz for Banking Entrance exams

(Q. 1-5) Study the following information carefully to answer the given

A word and
number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers
rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration
of input and rearrangement, steps….

Input: why
is 25 bigger than 14 but smaller than 32

Step I :
than 14 why is 25 bigger but smaller than 32

Step II :
than 14 is 25 why bigger but smaller than 32

Step III :
than 14 is 25 than 32 why bigger but smaller

Step IV :
than 14 is 25 than 32 why smaller bigger but

Step V :
than 14 is 25 than 32 why smaller but bigger

and Step V
is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input as the intended rearrangement
is obtained.

As per the
rules followed in the above steps, indicate the answer in each of the following
questions with respect to the appropriate step for the given input.

Input for
the questions

any number
less than 30 and more than 20 does not equal 40

1. Which
step number would be the following output ?

than 20 any
number less than 30 and more does not equal 40

(1) III                (2)
IV               (3) V                (4) VI               (5) None of these

2. How many
steps would be needed to complete the arrangement?

(1) X                 (2)
VIII             (3) IX               (4) VII              (5) None of these

3. Which of
the following would be Step IV?

(1) than 20 than 30 equal 40 any number less and more does

(2) than 20 any number less than 30 and more does not equal

(3) 20 30 40 than than equal number any less and more does

(4) 20 than 30 than 40 equal number any less and more does

(5) None of the above

4. Which of
the following would be the Step II ?

(1) 20 than 30 than any number less and more does not equal

(2) than 20 than 30 equal 40 any number less and more does

(3) than 20 than 30 any number less and more does not equal

(4) than 20 than 30 any number less and more does not 40

(5) None of the above

5. Which
word/number would be on 8th position from left side in Step V ?

(1) any             (2)
not             (3) 40               (4) number      (5) None of these

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