Rajasthan Combined Technical Helper II recruitment 2018: The Government of Rajasthan has released the call letter of Technical Helper II document verification online through the official website of Department Of Energy: energy.rajasthan.gov.in. The Department of Energy, Rajasthan has issued an official notification of recruitment for 2412 vacancies for the post of Technical Helper II in 2018. The application process for the recruitment commenced from September 07, 2018. Aspiring candidates for the recruitment were given two weeks of time to register for the recruitment with the last date of the application being September 21, 2018.
The examination for the Rajasthan Combined Technical Helper II 2018 recruitment was organized and conducted by the Department of Energy on December 29, 2018. The results for the examination was released online by the Department of Energy on August 01, 2019. Candidates that have qualified the written examination will have to go through the process of Document Verification as a part of the selection process. On September 04, 2019, the Department of Energy, Rajasthan has released a link to download the call letter for Technical Helper II document verification for the qualified candidates online through their official website: energy.rajasthan.gov.in.
The qualified candidates can download the call letter for Technical Helper II document verification and get a printout of it for future use. The candidates must carry the downloaded call letter along with the required documents for Technical Helper II document verification. The call letter includes important information about the document verification process such as the date and time, venue of the documents verification, list of required documents, etc.
Rajasthan Combined Technical Helper II recruitment 2018: Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for Technical Helper II recruitment 2018 is as follows.
- The candidate must have passed 10th Class from either Rajasthan Board or CBSE Board.
- The minimum age of the applying candidates should be 18, while the maximum age of the applying candidates should be 28.
Rajasthan Combined Technical Helper II recruitment 2018: How to download call letter for document verification
Qualified candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to download the call letter for Technical Helper II document verification online through the official website of Rajasthan Department of Energy: energy.rajasthan.gov.in.
Step 1: Visit the official website of Rajasthan Department of Energy: energy.rajasthan.gov.in
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the ‘Home’ button on the top right corner.
Step 3: A navigation window will open with a list of categories, click on ‘career’.
Step 4: Click on the link ‘recruitment’ that will be displayed in the dropdown.
Step 5: Under the notification tab, click on ‘Link to download call letter of Helper – II document verification’.
Step 6: The link will redirect to a new webpage, click on the link ‘download call letter for document verification’.
Step 7: Enter the required details like registration number, date of birth and click ‘login’.
Step 8: The call letter of Helper – II document verification will be displayed on the screen, download and get it printed for future use.
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