Rajasthan BSTC 2019 seat allotment result was scheduled to be announced on 7th August 2019. It got delayed and expected to get released today evening. One can check the on the official website, www.bstc2019.org .
The result got delayed almost four times by the Educational Examinations Department, Bikaner. The BSTC counselling is being conducted for admissions to Teachers Training Diploma course 2019 across the state of Rajasthan. The course for which the counselling is being held is D.El.Ed courses for 2019-20 in the institutes across the state of Rajasthan.
Steps to Check Rajasthan BSTC 2019 Results:
- Visit the official website, as mentioned above.
- Click on the “First Seat Allotment 2019” link.
- Enter the credentials to log in.
- Select the preferences.
- Submit and take a print for further use.
Rajasthan Pre-D.El.Ed 2019 or BSTC entrance examination was on 26th May 2019, and the result was announced on 3rd July 2019. The board has debarred one college from the counselling process this year, The Children Academic D.Ed College, Alwar. This college has submitted the fake grant order.
Stay tuned to www.pagalguy.com for more updates and information.