Dear readers,
The quiz provided here, will help in your upcoming exams. Please try to give answer in the comment box, soon we will post the correct answers.
Directions (1-5): Study the following pie – chart and bar
diagram and answer the following question. Percentage – wise distribution of
Students in six different schools.
Total number of students = 6000
Percentage of Students in a different schools
Number of boys out of 6000 students in each school separately

1. What is the sum of the number of girls in School C, the number of girls in School E and the number of boys in School D together?
(1) 1700 (2) 1900
(3) 1600 (4) 1800
(5) None of these
2. What is the ratio of the number of boys in
School C, the number of girls in School B and the total number of students in
School E?
(1) 45:7: 97 (2)
43: 9 : 97
(3) 45 : 7 : 87 (4) 43 : 9 : 87
(5) None of these
3. What is the difference between the total
number of students in School F and the number of boys in School E?
(1) 820 (2)
(3) 880 (4)
(5) None of these
4. In which of the following schools is the
total number of students equal to the number of girls in School E?
(1) A (2)
(3) C (4)
(5) F
5. The number of girls in School A is
approximately what percentage of the total number of students in School B?
(1) 55 (2)
(3) 35 (4)
(5) 40
Directions (6-10): Study the information carefully to answer
the questions that follow
In a ship there are 1200 passengers. 18 per
cent of the total numbers of passengers are from Britain. Two – fifths of the
total numbers of passengers are from South Africa. 6 percent of the total numbers
of passengers are from Madagascar. The remaining numbers of passengers are from
India. 25 percent of the numbers of passengers from Britain are females. Half
the numbers of passenger from South Africa are males. There is no female
passenger from Madagascar. Two – thirds of the numbers of passengers from India
are females.
6. What is the ratio of the number of passengers
from Madagascar, the number of female passengers from South Africa and the
total number of passengers from India?
(1) 2 : 5 : 18 (2) 3 : 10 : 18
(3) 3 : 11 : 18 (4) 2 : 18 : 5
(5) None of these
7. The number of male passengers from South
Africa is approximately what percentage of the total number of passenger from
(1) 111 (2)
(3) 120 (4)
(5) 131
8. What is the average number of male passengers
from all the four countries?
(1) 154.5 (2)
(3) 145 (4)
(5) None of these
9. What is the difference between the number of
male passengers from Madagascar and the number of male passenger from India?
(1) 64 (2)
(3) 74 (4)
(5) None of these
10. What is the number of male passengers from
Britain and female passengers from India together?
(1) 340 (2)
(3) 350 (4)
(5) None of these
1 (4)
2 (3)
3 (5)
4 (2)
5 (5)
6 (2)
7 (1)
8 (1)
9 (4)
10 (5)