Dear readers,

This quiz consists of questions from
various Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your
answers/ responses in the comments section below and we’ll soon let you know
the correct answers!

1. The respective ratio between the
present ages of Ram and Rakesh is 6:11. Four years ago, the ratio of their ages
was 1:2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

45 years     (2) 29 years    (3) 49 years     (4)
Cannot be determined      (5) None of

2. The circumference of two circles
is 88 m and 220 m respectively. What is the difference between the area of the
larger circle and the smaller circle?

3422 sq m             (2) 3242 sq m              (3) 3244 sq m            (4)
3424 sq m             
(5) None of these

3. One of the angles of a triangle is
two-third the angle of sum of adjacent angles of a parallelogram. Remaining
angles of the triangle are in the ratio 5:7 respectively. What is the value of the
second-largest angle of the triangle?

25°             (2) 40°             (3) 35°            (4) Cannot be determined    
(5) None of these

 4. Pradeep invested 20% more than Mohit. Mohit
invested 10% less than Raghu. If the total sum of their investment is Rs.17880,
how much amount did Raghu invest?

 (1) Rs.6000    
(2) Rs.8000     (3) Rs.7000      (4) Rs.5000     (5) None of these

 5. Average score of Rahul, Manish and Suresh
is 63. Rahul’s score is 15 less than Ajay and 10 more than Manish. If Ajay
scored 30 marks more than the average scores of Rahul, Manish and Suresh, what
is the sum of Manish’s and Suresh’s scores?

 (1) 120            (2)
111             (3) 117            (4) Cannot be determined      (5) None of these

 6. Fifty-three per cent of a number is 358
less than the square of 26. What is the value of three-fourth of 23 per cent of
that number?

101             (2) 109.5          (3) 113            
(4) 103.5         (5) None of these

7. The average speed of a car is 1
(4/5) times the average speed of a bus. A tractor covers 575 km in 23 hours.
How much distance will the car cover in 4 hours if the speed of the bus is
twice the speed of the tractor?

 (1) 340 km      (2)480
km        (3) 360 km       (4) 450 km      (5) None of these

 8. The
simple interest accrued on a sum of certain principal is Rs.2000 in five years
at the rate of 4% per annum. What would be the compound interest accrued on the
same principal at the same rate in two years?

 (1)Rs.716        (2)
Rs.724        (3) Rs.824       (4) Rs.816       (5) None of these

 9. Rehaan purchased a bike for Rs.54000. He
sold it at a loss of 8 per cent. With that money he again purchased a bike and
sold it at a profit of 10 per cent. What is his overall loss/profit?

 (1) Loss of Rs.657       (2) Profit of Rs.567    
(3) Loss of Rs.648        (4) Profit of Rs.648                (5) None of these

10. Two men alone or three women
alone can complete a piece of work in 4 days. In how many days can one woman
and one man together complete the same piece of work?

6 days        (2) 24/5 days               (3)
12/(1.75) days       (4) Cannot be
determined (5) None of these

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2(5)     3(3)      4(1)      5(2)     6(4)      7(3)      8(4)    
9(4)     10(2)

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