Dear PaGaLGuY readers, as we all know, Quantitative Aptitude or Numerical Aptitude is an important component of a number of competitive examinations such as the UPSC Civil Services Examination, Banking Entrance Examinations, SSC CGL/CHSL Examination, MBA Entrance Examination, Combined Defence Services Examination, etc. In order to help you practise and improve your quantitative ability, we are providing you with this Quantitative Aptitude Quiz.
Given below are a few questions from SSC examinations held in the last few years. Leave your answers/ responses in the comments section below and soon we’ll let you know the correct answers!
1. A trader marked his product 20% higher than his cost price and then gave a 20% discount on the marked price. The profit or loss on selling the product is
(a) 4% loss (b) 10% profit (c) 4% profit (d) 0 % profit
2. The ratio between the ages of A and B is 3: 5 and the sum of their ages is 56 yrs. The ratio between their ages 7 yrs ago was
(a) 3: 4 (b) 3:5 (c) 1: 2 (d) 2:3
3. Rs. 990 is divided into three parts in such a way that half of the first part, one – third of the second part and one-fifth of the third part are equal. What would be the value of each of the three parts?
(a) 198, 494, 298 (b) 198, 297, 495
(c) 200, 300, 490 (d) 196, 298, 496
4. A person bought some oranges from five markets at Rs. 1, Rs. 1.50, Rs. 1.80, Rs. 2 and Rs. 2.25 per orange respectively. He spent Rs. 36 at each of the markets. What is the average price of the oranges that he purchased?
(a) Rs. 1.91 (b) Rs. 2.00 (c) Rs. 1.58 (d) Rs. 1.80
5. A man loses 10% by selling an article for Rs. 180. At what price should he sell it to gain 10%?
(a) Rs. 220 (b) Rs. 217.80 (c) Rs. 200 (d) Rs. 216
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