PaGaLGuY readers,
As we all
know, Quantitative Aptitude or Numerical Aptitude is an important component of
a number of competitive examinations such as the UPSC Civil Services
Examination, Banking Entrance Examinations, SSC CGL/CHSL Examination, MBA
Entrance Examination, Combined Defence Services Examination, etc. In order to
help you practise and improve your quantitative ability, we are providing you
this Quantitative Aptitude Quiz.
Given below
are a few questions from SSC examinations held in the last few years. Leave
your answers/ responses in the comments section below and soon we’ll let you
know the correct answers!
1. The
next term of the sequence 3, 14, 39, … is
(a) 65 (b)
84 (c)
42 (d)
2. A tank can be filled by pipe A in 2 hours and by pipe B in
3 hours. An outlet C can empty the tank in 6 hours. If all the three are opened
simultaneously, the tank will be filled in …
(a) 2 h (b) 1*(1/3) h
1 h (d) 1*(1/2) h
3. Two numbers are in the ratio of 9 : 16. If each number is
increased by 15, then the ratio becomes 2 : 3. The numbers are
(a) 36 and 48
(b) 27 and 48 (c) 18 and
32 (d) 24 and 36
4. Cyclist A started his journey on cycle at 7:30 am at a
speed of 8 km/h. After 30 min, cyclist B started from the same place but with a
speed of 10 km/h. At what time will B overtake A?
(a) 9 am
(b) 9:30 am (c) 8 am (d) 10 am
5. The average weight of 8 persons is increased by 2.5 kg when
one of them whose weight is 56 kg is replaced by a new man. The weight of the
new man is
(a) 58.5 kg
(b) 76 kg (c) 20
kg (d) 64 kg
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2(d) 3(b) 4(d)