Join Dr. Yamini Pandey, Dean of Academics at GIMS, as she delves into the PGDM programme. Discover how it shapes your professional exposure and enriches your life experience, providing a holistic view of the world.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of business education, where the quest for success demands navigating through dynamic shifts, aspiring MBA students find themselves at a critical juncture. Enter Dr. Yamini Pandey, a distinguished academician and a prominent figure in the field of management studies, poised to illuminate this path of discovery. With over 15 years of dedicated academic service and currently at the helm of the GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), Dr. Pandey brings a wealth of expertise and insight to the table. GIMS has swiftly emerged as a beacon of excellence in post-graduate management education, offering a transformative journey tailored to foster entrepreneurial spirit and deliver comprehensive, forward-thinking learning experiences. Accredited by AICTE and HLACT-UK, GIMS proudly stands as the first institute in the Northern region and the sole representative in the NCR. Furthermore, its prestigious affiliations with renowned institutions like IIM Bangalore for certification courses and collaborations with global partners such as LSUS exemplify its commitment to providing students with a truly global perspective. 

In her capacity as Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resource Management (OB & HRM) and Dean of Academics at GIMS, Dr.  Pandey epitomises scholarly rigour and innovation. Her research prowess spans a diverse spectrum,  encompassing pivotal areas like job satisfaction, organisational culture, and emotional intelligence.  Armed with a doctorate from the esteemed Faculty of Management at Pacific University, Udaipur, Dr.  Pandey has significantly enriched the academic discourse through her prolific contributions to esteemed national and international journals. Beyond her scholarly achievements, Dr. Pandey’s dedication to nurturing future leaders is evidenced by her mentorship of numerous successful Ph.D.  and M.Phil. candidates. As a trusted reviewer for esteemed UGC care and Scopus journals, she further solidifies her credibility in the academic community. With one copyright, two patents, and authorship of textbooks and edited volumes to her credit, Dr. Pandey’s legacy as a trailblazer in management education is undeniable. 

In this exclusive interview, we delve into Dr. Pandey’s profound insights and strategic foresight,  exploring the transformative potential of pursuing a PGDM under her mentorship at GIMS. Through her visionary guidance, aspiring business leaders are empowered to navigate their academic journey with clarity, purpose, and unwavering conviction.

Q1: With more than 15 years in the education domain, what inspired you to pursue teaching?

Ans: I believe teaching is a profession driven entirely by passion, not by money or power. We enter this field because we want to connect with and guide the next generation, right? We want to share our knowledge and experiences, exposing them to what we’ve learned. But here’s the exciting thing:  teaching is also a continuous learning process for ourselves. While we impart knowledge to our students, we’re also constantly learning from colleagues, superiors, and even our students themselves.  It’s a truly holistic learning experience. So, if you have a lifelong love of learning, teaching is a fantastic path for you.

Q2: You’ve excelled in both academia and the human-centred realm of business, particularly in human resources. What attracted you to HR initially? Was it a personal passion or a strategic career decision?

Ans: My interest in HR stemmed from the fact that it revolves entirely around people – the most crucial element in any organisation. Businesses ultimately thrive on the contributions of their human capital.  These individuals are the ones who drive progress and success. However, HR goes beyond simply managing personnel. It encompasses fostering a positive company culture, promoting organisational development, and optimising employee performance, which in turn impacts the overall success of the organisation. It’s this multifaceted nature of HR that truly appealed to me, the idea of working in a field that directly impacts all aspects of an organisation through its most valuable asset – its people

Q3: What emerging trends in business education do you foresee having the most impact on PGDM curricula?

Ans: We’re all witnessing a drastic shift in the business world: digitalisation. Every field, from marketing to finance, is being reshaped by it. Therefore, incorporating digital transformation into the curriculum of any PGDM programme is crucial.

We’ve already taken a step in this direction by offering business analytics, which covers relevant analytical subjects. Another vital aspect is sustainability. With the changing global landscape, it’s essential to educate young, aspiring managers about sustainable practices. They must understand the importance of limited resources and responsible environmental management within their business strategies. Therefore, integrating sustainability concepts into business studies is a must. 

Finally, ethical education is paramount in today’s world. While the new generation may be ambitious,  it’s crucial to instil a sense of ethical responsibility alongside achieving success. Students need to understand the importance of balancing ambition with ethical principles. By incorporating these three elements – digitalisation, sustainability, and ethics – PGDM  programmes can prepare graduates for the challenges and opportunities of the modern business world. 

Q4: In today’s fast-evolving business world, driven by digitalisation, AI, and automation, adaptability is crucial for PGDMs. How does the GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), prepare its students to thrive in this dynamic environment? What specific skills and mindsets are you instilling to ready them for this new business reality?

Ans: GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), recognises the critical role of adaptability in today’s dynamic business environment. We’ve implemented a multi-pronged approach to equip our PGDM students for success in this ever-evolving landscape. Firstly, we’ve introduced a specialisation in business analytics, providing students with the opportunity to acquire in-demand technical skills alongside core disciplines like marketing, finance, Human Resources, Supply chain and operations. Secondly, we integrate simulation techniques into the curriculum. These simulations offer a valuable learning experience, allowing students to navigate real-world scenarios and make strategic decisions in a controlled setting. Finally, our Skill Augmentation Certification (SAC) program offers additional learning opportunities. Through collaborations with industry leaders like Grant Thornton, students can pursue certifications that further enhance their technical skillset and prepare them for the demands of the modern business world. 

Q5: Given the rapidly evolving technological landscape, how does the GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS) ensure the long-term relevance and value of its curriculum updates, especially with simulations and industry visits?

Ans: To ensure the ongoing relevance of our curriculum updates, the GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), places a strong emphasis on industry collaboration. We achieve this through our robust area-specific Academic Advisory Boards. These boards comprise members strategically selected from diverse industries relevant to specific programme areas. For instance, an advisory board for our marketing specialisation might include a distinguished academic expert in marketing, a seasoned industry professional with extensive experience in marketing and sales and potentially a representative from alumni

We hold regular meetings with these boards, fostering a collaborative environment where we solicit their valuable insights on curriculum development. We bridge the gap between academia and the professional world by incorporating their suggestions regarding both in-demand technical skill sets and emerging industry trends. This ensures that our curriculum not only reflects current industry needs but also equips students with a strong academic foundation that prepares them to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape. 

Q6: Could you elaborate on how GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS) collaborates with industry partners to provide real-world experience and align student skills with industry needs?

Ans: GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS) prioritises industry collaboration to ensure our students develop the skills and experience employers seek. We achieve this through a multi-faceted  approach: 

International Immersion Programmes: Partnering with universities and leading industry players abroad, we offer immersive programmes that place students in real-world projects within a global context. 

Industry-Recognised Certifications: We collaborate with industry leaders like Grant Thornton to offer students the opportunity to earn industry-recognised certifications alongside their PGDM coursework.  These certifications, aligned with current industry trends, enhance their technical skillsets and demonstrate their commitment to professional development to potential employers. For instance,  students might pursue a certification in digital marketing or Advanced Marketing analytics, complementing their core marketing curriculum. 

Experiential Learning Through Field Projects: We design field projects specifically tailored to provide students with hands-on experience. Under the guidance of experienced industry mentors, students tackle real-world business challenges partnering organisations face. This allows them to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, develop critical problem-solving skills, and gain valuable exposure to the professional work environment. For example, a team of students might work with a local startup to develop a comprehensive business plan. 

By combining these collaborative efforts with a strong academic foundation, GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS) equips students with the knowledge, skills, and real-world experience needed to thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape. 

Q7: With your student experience and connections, what do you believe are the three most sought-after skills by recruiters for PGDM student nowadays?

Ans: In my experience, there are four key skills that PGDM students need to succeed in today’s job market. 

1. Effective Communication: Regardless of era, strong communication skills are essential for any professional. The ability to clearly and concisely articulate ideas, both verbally and in writing, is crucial for building relationships, collaborating effectively, and leading teams. Here at GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), we recognise this importance and have a dedicated Learning and Development (LND)  team focused solely on honing students’ communication and soft skills. 

2. Agile Decision-Making: The business landscape constantly evolves, requiring graduates to be adaptable and decisive. They need the ability to analyse situations quickly, make informed decisions under pressure, and be comfortable navigating uncertainty.

3. Continuous Skill Development: The world of business is constantly innovating, and graduates must be committed to lifelong learning. They need to stay updated on the latest industry trends, technologies, and skills to remain competitive throughout their careers. 

Q8: GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), is known for its strong focus on student placement preparation. Could you elaborate on the specific processes in place to help students develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the recruitment process and, ultimately, the business world? 

Ans: GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), implements a multi-phased approach to prepare students for successful careers, starting from the very first day. We work on the ESI (Employability skill indexing), and according to indexing, we provide support to each and every student. Based on the indexing, we create tailor-made learning modules, and these targeted modules address any identified skill gaps and equip students with a strong foundation for academic and professional success. Along with this, we ensure that our curriculum includes courses that are aligned with the industry requirements, which may include technical skills, soft skills and industry-specific knowledge. In the curriculum, we integrate project-based learning, case studies and summer internship projects to provide hands-on experience. We continuously monitor student progress throughout the programme. This includes faculty feedback, performance in coursework, and participation in co-curricular activities. These ongoing evaluations allow us to tailor further training modules to address individual needs and ensure students stay current with industry expectations. 

This combination of personalised assessments, targeted training modules, and specialised electives ensures that our students are not only well-equipped with a strong academic foundation but also possess the specialised skills and knowledge sought after by employers in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Q9: How does GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS) nurture students’ entrepreneurial aspirations, guiding them towards launching successful startups?

Ans: Greater Noida Institute of Management recognises the growing importance of entrepreneurship in India. We take a multi-pronged approach to fostering this spirit among our students. 

Firstly, we address a key challenge: the traditional focus on securing a corporate placement upon graduation. Through workshops and guest lectures featuring successful entrepreneurs, we aim to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and expose students to the possibilities of starting their own ventures. 

Secondly, entrepreneurship education is integrated into the curriculum. A dedicated subject equips students with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to navigate the startup world. 

Thirdly, we provide practical support through student-led initiatives. Our dedicated entrepreneurship club organises events and workshops, fostering a collaborative environment where students can brainstorm ideas, share experiences, and learn from each other. 

Finally, As a part of IIC (Institution’s Innovation Council) we offer incubation support by registering the idea on the YUKTI platform, which further provides the support to students.

Q10: As GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS) prepares to welcome its next cohort of PGDM students, what advice would you offer to these incoming students to help them make the most of their academic journey over the next two years? 

Ans: Incoming PGDM students at GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), here are some crucial pieces of advice to consider as you commence your academic journey. Firstly, maintain clarity of purpose by delineating short-term objectives that align with your evolving long-term goals, providing a roadmap for your studies. Secondly, engage actively beyond the confines of traditional classrooms; participate in institute activities like clubs and workshops to enrich your learning experience and cultivate vital soft skills. Thirdly, seize opportunities for experiential learning, such as field projects and internships, to translate theoretical knowledge into practical skills, problem-solving acumen, and industry insights.  

Lastly, fosters adaptability, recognising the perpetual flux of the business realm, thus cultivating a flexible mindset crucial for manoeuvring through dynamic professional landscapes. By adhering to these principles, you can optimise your educational journey at GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS), and position yourself for a prosperous career in the dynamic business arena.

Q11: Describe what a PGDM is to you in less than 10 words. 

Ans: Something which gives you exposure and experience to the larger picture in life.  

As we draw near to the conclusion of our dialogue with Dr. Yamini Pandey, it is unmistakably apparent that the discourse has transcended mere exchange of information; rather, it has been an enlightening journey towards understanding the profound intricacies of management education and its transformative potential. Dr. Pandey’s insights, honed by years of scholarly dedication and practical experience, serve as a beacon guiding aspiring PGDM students through the labyrinth of academic pursuit towards the shores of success. Throughout our conversation, Dr. Pandey’s erudition has been palpable,  manifesting in her nuanced discussions on subjects ranging from organisational culture to entrepreneurial intent. Each elucidation has been a testament to her profound understanding of the multifaceted landscape of business studies, illuminating pathways hitherto obscured by ambiguity.  With clarity and precision, Dr. Pandey has unravelled the complexities inherent in the pursuit of an  PGDM, offering pragmatic strategies and invaluable advice to navigate the ever-evolving terrain of management education. 

Yet, Dr. Pandey’s contributions extend far beyond the realms of academia. Her unwavering commitment to mentorship, evident in her role as a supervisor for numerous successful research theses, underscores her dedication to nurturing the next generation of business leaders. Through her guidance, aspiring professionals not only gain access to a wealth of knowledge but also benefit from her invaluable mentorship, equipping them with the skills and insights necessary to thrive in the competitive world of business. In closing, the discourse with Dr. Yamini Pandey has been a journey of enlightenment, offering invaluable insights into the dynamics of management education and the opportunities it presents for personal and professional growth. As aspiring PGDM students embark on their educational journey, they can take solace in the knowledge that they are not alone; guided by mentors like Dr. Pandey, they possess the tools and resources necessary to navigate the challenges that lie ahead and emerge as leaders in their own right.

GNIOT is accepting applications for their MBA & PGDM programmes for batch 2024-26: APPLY NOW. 

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