I arrived in college after a couple of months of extreme boredom and joblessness,the summer project which was to last three months was done in 20 days much to my ‘disappointment’. So, here i was, back in college, eager to meet the people i missed the most.Well in our first week back a couple of friends and I(Thank you CAT prep!) were invited by some of the ladies to go for a trek.I was the sort of person who would skip breakfast and lunch because i was ‘too lazy ‘and yet i somehow found myself accepting this invitation to trek “insert unpronounceable name” fort.I often wonder why,perhaps it was something to do with a certain member of the opposite gender and my longing to court this wonderful woman who i had known since my first year ,after two long years i finally decided to ‘grow a pair’ .So,our journey to “insert unpronounceable name” fort began at the break of dawn and after a couple of pitstops to purchase essentials(read beer) we had finally arrived and as soon as we did it began to pour.What rotten luck! i had finally made plans and mustered sufficient courage to profess my love for this woman and bask in the sunshine whilst doves sang praises and the angels wept in joy,so much for that plan.What i thought would be a tedious journey to the top turned out to be one of the most fun things i ever did in college,battling the forces of nature,slipping,sliding and falling all over place.Naturally we had to take breaks in between(due to the lack of exercise), on one such break when we were nearly there we decided that some of us would push ahead while the others rest.This gave me the perfect opportunity to spend some alone time with the above mentioned woman.The next few minutes of my life remain deeply etched in my mind.We got to talking and i was blown away by this beautiful,intelligent,sophisticated woman who among other things was telling me about her favourite Led Zepellin song!We talked while simultaneously trekking and after a few minutes we made it to the top,by jove! what a sight,a meadow of heaven and in the the midst of this meadow a woman so beautiful, not the kind you lust about but the kind of beauty that made John Keats yelp “A thing of beauty is a joy forever,it’s lovliness increases;it will never pass into nothingness.” There she stood when our eyes met and suddenly we were uncontrollably drawn to each other,her lips parting a little to meet mine.BOOM! the clouds roared and a voice inaudible at first grew louder and louder,i heard my name,behold! arriveth the Lord and what he said to me next puzzles me to this very day.”Dude,we have the morning off,no workshop today.”
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