I, Divyanshu Kulkarni from IFIM Business School, Bangalore would like to share with you something about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the traditional mode of teaching.
Most of the countries around the world today are under partial or complete lockdown. As per the United Nations, educational institutes closure in more than 30 countries to contain the COVID-19 pandemic will be disrupting the education of over 400 million students globally. To help contain the spread of the virus while still allowing students to continue with their education, the online mode of teaching has become crucial.
The World Bank is working with the educational ministries of several countries in order to help them in their transition from traditional classroom teaching to the online mode.
Even private players are making efforts to aid in the transition to online teaching. Jeff Maggioncalda, Chief Executive Officer – Coursera, said that the platform is launching a global effort to assist universities and colleges seeking to offer online courseware in response to the coronavirus.
Online mode being the most relevant in these tough times, it is being preferred and implemented by most of the educational institutes and private classes. This mode has become central to every teaching model now.
E-learning enables students from even the remotest areas to be able to learn from their homes. Educational institutions are leveraging this opportunity to provide online learning to both current as well as potential students.
Online teaching has another advantage as well. It encourages even under-performing students to take active participation in classes by interacting more with their instructors.
Various online teaching platforms are being extensively used globally as well as in India. For example, IFIM Business School is using several features of Moodle which is amongst the world’s most popular “Learning Management System (LMS)”.
A majority of the institutes in India have not gone through the drill of testing online learning prior to this pandemic. As a result, their students and faculties are struggling with issues such as unfamiliarity with online platforms, lack of enough internet bandwidth etc.
I am happy to report that having overcome several challenges in switching to the online mode in an extremely short time, IFIM has been successfully conducting online classes as well as proctored exams. This has ensured minimal disruption to the academic schedule of IFIM Business School.
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