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NIACL AO Prelims 2019 Exam Analysis – Detailed Section Wise

NIACL (New India Assurance) will conduct exams to recruit the candidates for the post of AO (Administrative Officer Generalists & Specialists). NIACL is one of the leading global insurance groups with offices and branches all over India. The notification for NIACL AO 2019 has been released on December 05, 2018 with a total of 312 vacancies. The exam for NIACL AO will be conducted in 2 phases and finally, the Interview process will be conducted to recruit the eligible candidates for the post of AO. The candidates should clear both the phases to get selected for the interview process of NIACL AO 2019.

The Phase-I exam was conducted on January 30, 2019. The exam was conducted in 2 slots and thousands of candidates appeared for the exam. Following is the exam pattern for NIACL AO 2019:

Sections Number of questions Total marks Time duration
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

The AO Prelims exam was a computer-based online test and had a total of 100 questions with 1 mark each hence summing up to a total of 100 marks. There were sectional timings for AO exam. In order to complete each section, 20 minutes were given. The total time duration for the exam is 60 minutes (1 Hour).

Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for NIACL AO 2018-2019 – Recruitment

Analysis of NIACL AO Prelims exam Slot-1:

The analysis for each slot is given both overall and section-wise.  The level of the exam was easy to moderate for both the shifts. Following is the exam analysis:

English Language:


Number of questions

Sentence rearrangement 05
Words usage 03
Reading comprehension ( Based on Insurance) 07
Cloze test (the activity of humans that affect the environment) 05
Single Filers 05
Error spotting 05
Total 30

Reasoning Ability:


Number of questions

Coding- decoding 05
Linear Arrangements (persons in North-south direction) 03
Puzzles  (box based puzzles, floor-based puzzles) 10
Syllogism 05
Direction 02
Inequality 05
Square arrangements 05
Total 35

Quantitative Ability:


Number of questions

Simplification 05
Caselet 05
Wrong number series 05
Data interpretation (Line and graph-based) 10
Application sums 10
Total 35

Overall Analysis of Slot- 1:

Sections Good Attempts Difficulty Level
English Language 20-22 Easy- Moderate
Reasoning Ability 22-27 Easy- Moderate
Quantitative Ability 17-22 Tricky & Moderate
Total 62-70 Moderate

Analysis of NIACL AO Prelims exam Slot-2:

English Language:

Topics Number of questions
Words exchange 06
Sentence rearrangements 05
Single Filers 06
Reading comprehension 08
Error spotting 05
Total 30

Reasoning Ability:


Number of questions


Rank based- 02

Days based- 05

Color based- 05

Coding- decoding 05
Syllogism 05
Circular arrangements (People facing outside and inside) 05
Inequality 05
Blood relation 03
Total 35

Quantitative Aptitude:


Number of questions

Quadratic equation 05
Date interpretation (Table based and Bar graph) 10
Application sums 10
Caselet 05
Missing number series 05
Total 35

Overall Analysis of slot- 2:

Sections Good Attempts Difficulty Level
English Language 21-25 Easy- Moderate
Reasoning Ability 24-27 Easy- Moderate
Quantitative Ability 20-24 Moderate
Total 70-75 Moderate

The candidates who clear the Prelims exam will be allowed to appear for the Phase- 2 exams. The main exam for NIACL AO will be held on March 02, 2019.

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