Hi Everyone!
Today we have launched a new course for you: Magic Maths – Averages. This course will help you get a complete understanding of the Averages topic. To complete this two-day course, you only need about 5 minutes per day. To join this course, go to:
Averages is a very important topic with respect to competitive examinations. Exams related to MBA entrance, Bank – PO, SSC, UPSC, Insurance and many others regularly feature questions from Averages. Further, the concepts used in Averages can help you in other topics as well. Thus, Averages becomes one of the most important topics for these exams.
This course includes a small exercise (10 questions). These questions encompass a wide variety of problem types related to Averages. These
questions will help you enhance your learning and will give you the
confidence that you are ready to handle actual exam problems.
PaGaLGuY’s Magic Maths series of courses are
designed to take no more than 5 to 10 minutes of your time every day and yet,
are comprehensive enough to ensure that you learn various important
concepts thoroughly. These courses cover the essential concepts/topics
for many important examinations such as MBA entrance tests, Bank
PO/Clerical entrance tests, SSC exams, GMAT, GRE, etc. These courses are
accompanied by exercises that will add to your understanding of the
concepts and will fully prepare you to take on your target exams. In
fact, many of the questions in these exercises have been taken from
actual exams!
Do note that more such courses are on their way and will soon be
available to you. Keep learning and Keep enjoying Maths with PaGaLGuY!