The NEET PG Admit Card 2020 to be released today by the National Board of Examination, NBE. Candidates applied for this exam can download the admit card from the official website of NEET PG. The admit card will get released today on 31st December 2019.
The NEET PG 2020 exam is scheduled to be held on 5th January 2020. The exam will be held in a single and also in a single session. The timing of the exam will be from 3:30 pm to 7 pm for a period on 3 and half hours.
Exam Pattern:
- The paper will be consisting of 300 multiple choice questions.
- The questions will be in English language only.
- The question paper will be divided into 3 parts (Part A, B, and C) each containing 50, 100, 150 MCQs respectively.
The official website of NBE to get more details on the NEET PG 2020 exam and download the admit card is www.nbe.edu.in . Candidates must follow the mentioned points to download the admit card.
Steps to download NEET PG Admit Card 2020:
- Visit the official site of NBE as mentioned in the above paragraph.
- Click on the “NEET PG 2020” link available on the main page.
- You will get redirected to a new page where candidates will have to click on NEET PG Admit Card 2020 link.
- Enter the necessary individual credentials and click on submit.
- Check and download the NEET PG 2020 admit card displayed on the screen.
- Take a print of the 2019 admit card for future reference.
The NEET PG 2020 result will be declared on January 31, 2020, on the official site.
NEET PG 2020 is being held for the qualification cum ranking for admission to Postgraduate MD/MS/Diploma Courses for the academic session 2020.
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Keep checking the NBE official website for more updates.
Also read, NEET PG 2020 Registration.