The practice of non-teaching staff recruitment process in MNNIT has intensified. The institute administration has released the date of the screening test. The exam will be conducted in three phases between 01st February 2020 to 17th February 2020. In the first phase, there will be a screening test. If everything goes well, the result will be announced in April. The format of the screening test has been uploaded on the institute’s website.
Vacancy Details
There are total 106 posts released by MNIT and interested candidates should note the following vacancies details:
- There are 5 posts for Superintendent
- There are 15 posts for Junior Assistant
- There are 9 posts of Senior Assistant
- There are 2 posts of Stenographer
- There is 1 post for Technical Assistant of Senior Stenographer
- There are 29 posts of Junior Engineer, Library Information Assistant
- There are 30 of Technician
- There are 15 of Senior Technician.
It should be noted that of these 106 posts, 55 posts are for unreserved while 8 posts are reserved for EWS, 27 OBC, 12 SC, and 4 posts for ST.
The official website to get more details on the recruitment is http://www.mnnit.ac.in/ .
The application procedure for the recruitment process has already been completed in the months of August and September. Online applications for employee recruitment were taken from 23rd August 2019 to 30th September 2020. It has been recorded that about 2956 candidates have applied against 106 posts. The selection process will be from three stages. In the first phase, there will be a screening test. In the second stage, there will be a skill test and in the third phase multiple choice-based mains examination. The third phase examination will be held on 17th February 2020.
Candidates who will clear all the three stages would be selected for the relevant post and will be informed about the same.
Also read, MNNIT Allahabad 2019 Recruitment.