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MBA in France: A Guide to Studying Abroad Ft. IAE Paris-Est, School of Management

MBA in France: A Guide to Studying Abroad
Considering pursuing an MBA in France? Explore expert guidance on studying abroad, recommended by the Dean of a leading MBA college in France, IAE Paris-Est, School of Management. Unlock invaluable insights to kickstart your international education journey!


In the ever-evolving realm of business education, where global perspectives and innovative methodologies reign supreme, the IAE Paris-Est School of Management emerges as a beacon of transformative change in the MBA landscape. As Vice Dean of International Relations, Eric Hertzler illuminates the pioneering initiatives that are reshaping the paradigms of business academia. 

Hertzler, a distinguished global educator, embodies a wealth of academic prowess, having traversed the corridors of esteemed institutions such as Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay and University Aix Marseille; Panthéon-Assas, and Leiden University (Netherlands). With a comprehensive background spanning Economics, Management, and Law, his expertise transcends conventional boundaries,  enriching the educational landscape with his profound insights. Currently at the helm of International relations at the IAE Paris Est School of Management at the University Paris Est Créteil and concurrently co-leading the International MBA at the IAE Paris School of Management (formerly IAE Gustave Eiffel), Hertzler’s visionary leadership plays a pivotal role in sculpting the future of business education. Drawing from two decades of pedagogical experience across diverse disciplines, including Economics, Management, and Law, he embodies the adage, “Le savoir, c’est le pouvoir” (Knowledge is power), instilling a sense of empowerment among students. 

Beyond academia, Hertzler’s influence extends globally, having served as a visiting scholar at UC  Berkeley and a visiting professor at renowned institutions worldwide. His extensive fieldwork in locales such as Brazil, Russia, Japan, Belgium, and California infuses his teachings with real-world relevance, echoing the sentiment of the French proverb, “c’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron” (Practice makes perfect). With over 15 years of mentoring experience, Hertzler has guided students through internships and apprenticeships in a myriad of SMEs and Fortune 500 companies, nurturing the next generation of business leaders. His scholarly contributions, exemplified by publications such as  “Principles of Management 1 and 2” with Pearson Education, underscore his proficiency in areas such as Markets of Higher Education, Strategy, and Cross-Cultural Issues. 

In its commitment to providing world-class education at accessible rates, IAE Paris-Est emerges as a bastion of excellence in the realm of business academia. Hertzler expounds on the institution’s strategic endeavours aimed at democratising access to high-calibre MBA programmes, resonating with the sentiment of the French proverb, “La connaissance est le seul trésor qui s’accroît quand on le partage”  (Knowledge is the only treasure that increases when shared). 

Furthermore, the institution’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity is palpable in its initiatives tailored to accommodate the needs of Indian students, fostering a nurturing environment conducive to their academic pursuits in France. Join us on a journey of discovery as we delve into the transformative voyage of IAE Paris-Est School of Management, guided by Eric Hertzler’s visionary leadership, as it continues to revolutionise the MBA landscape while upholding its commitment to providing unparalleled educational opportunities for students worldwide.

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Q1. Your extensive experience as a Jurist, Economist, Manager, and Global Educator undoubtedly brings invaluable insights into the topic at hand. As someone with a diverse background spanning various fields and cultures, could you share a bit about your journey so far? What led you to choose this path of academia and your current role at the IAE Paris-Est School of Management?

Ans:  Alright, let me walk you through the journey of my life so far. It all begins with my birth in Istanbul,  Turkey, a vibrant city where East meets West. My father’s work for the French government led us to live across continents during the 70s and 80s, granting me the unique privilege of a childhood spanning different cultures and landscapes. 

From the bustling streets of Istanbul to the sunny shores of Marseille and then onto the colourful tapestry of Portugal and the vibrant classrooms of Senegal, my early years were a whirlwind of cultural immersion. Imagine being the only white kid in a Senegalese classroom it was eye-opening, to say the least. As I delved into my studies, my passion for law collided with my fascination for economics and management. This led me to pursue both fields simultaneously, navigating the halls of academia in France while seeking international experiences in the Netherlands, Brazil, and beyond. Teaching beckoned me next, and I found myself in Ecuador, eager to master Spanish and impart knowledge to eager minds. But life had more twists in store, leading me to Brussels for seven fruitful years, where I  honed my skills as an educator while juggling the complexities of family life. 

California’s golden shores called to us next, where my wife’s career at Stanford University opened new doors for our family. Amidst caring for our children, I found myself delving into the world of academia once more, this time in the heart of Berkeley, exploring the intricacies of higher education regulation. Life’s unpredictable nature led me back to France, but not without leaving its mark. Divorce brought its own set of challenges, yet it also propelled me to seek new horizons, teaching executive MBA  courses in Jakarta and St. Petersburg, where I navigated cultural nuances with finesse. 

Japan beckoned with its unique blend of tradition and innovation, presenting me with the challenge of teaching through interpreters—a true test of communication skills. Throughout my 25-year career in faculty economics and school of management, I’ve remained committed to the ethos of cooperative education, collaborating closely with industry partners to provide students with real-world learning experiences. So, here I stand—a globetrotting educator with a passion for bridging cultures and shaping the minds of tomorrow’s leaders.

Q2: Could you share insights on your role as Dean of International Relations and its focal points, considering your diverse background spanning from visiting faculty around the world to your current position?

Ans: In my professional journey, I find myself straddling two significant roles: one in the dynamic arena of international relations and the other as an educator shaping young minds. Though my journey led me away from research, I’ve found immense fulfilment in guiding our understanding of global dynamics and fostering a culture of internationalisation within our educational framework. 

My current focus involves forging partnerships with various stakeholders, ranging from prestigious universities to forward-thinking companies. Together, we’re crafting transformative experiences for our students, whether through semester exchanges abroad or innovative online collaborations that bridge cultures and continents. While travel used to be a staple of my role, recent times have seen a shift towards virtual engagements. Yet, the essence remains unchanged—last week found me immersed in Colombia, delving into the intricacies of change management and ESG standards while previous engagements in Chile and Vietnam explored themes of global competencies and the evolving landscape of globalisation. 

However, the highlight of my professional journey lies in the creation of our International MBA  program a decade ago. In a landscape already dotted with MBA offerings, we set out to carve a niche— a truly international experience that attracts diverse talents from across the globe. Together with my esteemed colleagues, we’ve nurtured this program, blending academic rigour with real-world insights,  and as we approach its 10th anniversary, we’re poised to take it to new heights. With a team encompassing diverse expertise—from digital marketing to academia—we’re committed to shaping future leaders who not only excel in global enterprises but also contribute to the socio-economic fabric of France and Europe. 

In essence, my professional odyssey is one marked by a passion for international engagement, an unwavering commitment to education, and an unrelenting pursuit of excellence.

Q3: Considering the difficulty of launching an MBA program, why did you opt for a smaller batch size? Are there plans to expand as you approach your 10th anniversary to increase impact?

Ans: Our programme fosters a close-knit community, with an average intake of 25 students per year, totalling roughly 50 across the two-year program. This allows for individualised attention, as students with substantial experience can even enter the second year directly. As a public institution, we’re fortunate to benefit from significant French government subsidies. This empowers us to prioritise quality over quantity, maintaining smaller class sizes compared to typical MBA programs. While scalability might be a priority for some universities, our focus remains laser-sharp: exceptional education for a select cohort. Unlike some larger, for-profit institutions, we operate as a centralised, non-profit public university. While future adaptations are a possibility, our current collaborative programs with corporate partners ensure financial stability without the need for aggressive enrollment expansion.  The highly competitive nature of our program underscores this commitment. From an annual pool of roughly 500 applications, we meticulously select only 20-25 students, resulting in a coveted acceptance rate of 5-10%. This meticulous approach fosters a diverse and cohesive student body, minimising potential mismatches. 

While esteemed within France, ranking 12th nationally, we define success by our impact. Our focus extends beyond accolades. Our tuition fees are remarkably low compared to the actual cost per student, which stands at around €15,000 annually. However, students benefit from significant government subsidies, paying a nominal fee of just €243. This aligns with the accessible education models prevalent in Germany, Scandinavia, and beyond. Even seasoned professionals with a decade or more of experience find our program highly affordable. They contribute a modest €7,500, gaining access to a curriculum comparable to other top programs. Our emphasis lies on practical learning and fostering the ability to generate sustainable solutions for complex challenges. While we might not boast connections to former CEOs, we prioritise something far more valuable: cultivating future leaders equipped to tackle the world’s intricate problems: actionable insights and tangible recommendations to prepare our students for real-world success.

Q4: Amidst the revelation of a $500 global MBA, can you explain if government support extends to covering living costs for international students?

Ans:  Indeed, that presents a significant challenge. The cost of living in Paris is notably high, necessitating substantial financial commitment from students who opt to reside here for at least one year. Upon completing the initial year, they have the option to engage in a cooperative education arrangement for the subsequent year, during which they work three to four days a week and receive compensation.  While salaries in France typically fall below those in the United States, the quality of life and public services offset this disparity. Moreover, the French landscape is marked by a tradition of social activism.  Two decades ago, interns spearheaded a movement advocating for remuneration during internships,  resulting in present-day compensation, often aligning with minimum wage standards. Consequently,  students enjoy compensation during their internship periods, spanning the subsequent six months. 

In addition to financial considerations, our institution ensures equitable access to resources. Every faculty member and student benefits from tools such as subscriptions to Harvard Business Publishing,  facilitating access to simulation case studies and online courses, all provided at no cost. This commitment underscores our dedication to fostering a comprehensive educational experience,  encompassing essential competencies in finance, Excel spreadsheet utilisation, and management communication. This ethos aligns with the broader paradigm of public education in France, albeit subject to evolving dynamics. Notably, MBA programs such as the one at Sorbonne, which typically commands a fee ranging from 15,000 to 20,000 euros, represent a departure from conventional models. Our MBA cohort comprises individuals aged 22 to 30, each with at least one to two years of professional experience. Their diverse backgrounds, spanning fields such as engineering, chemistry, health sciences, humanities, economics and law, converge in pursuit of managerial proficiency, poised to propel their careers within their respective industries. 

Q5: Given your role as a global educator, what are the emerging trends or sought-after profiles for MBA students in France today?

Ans: Well, I will expand on this a bit because there’s a wealth of literature surrounding these trends.  Firstly, there’s the innovation mindset. This, I believe, is one of the major trends, including the integration of artificial intelligence in our teaching and students’ learning experiences. How do we incorporate these advancements while maintaining a critical mindset and not simply becoming overly reliant on these new technologies? It’s about finding a balance and leveraging these tools, effectively nurturing the innovation mindset of our students. At IAE Paris-Est, we are very lucky to have some colleagues who are at the top of their art in those disciplines. 

Secondly, there’s an emphasis on sustainable development goals, particularly those outlined by the  United Nations in 2015, which requires strong institutional and personal engagement. This aligns strongly with the French consciousness of the need for robust environmental, social and governance standards. We integrate these standards into our teaching, our activities, and our research, focusing on societal impact rather than just social impact. It’s about ensuring our institution contributes meaningfully to broader societal issues. It is one of the main axes of our research centre and a key priority of all of our stakeholders. 

Thirdly, and perhaps underestimated, is the emphasis on global competencies. In 2018, the OECD  launched a new item on global competence within its PISA annual survey In a VUCA environment (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous), in a world marked by disruptions, divisions, and conflicts, with a resurgence of nationalism, it’s crucial to equip managers with the skills to understand the different contexts and how global forces influence national forces and vice versa. This requires a combination of global competencies and critical thinking skills, recognising that we all share the same planet and are interconnected in various ways. 

That’s why we’ve named our program the International MBA. It’s not just an MBA; it’s about fostering a global mindset. Our teaching staff is intentionally diverse, with members hailing from Morocco,  Australia, the United States, England, Austria, Japan, China, India, and beyond. Similarly, our student body reflects this diversity, ensuring a rich and varied learning environment. This diversity, both among faculty and students, is fundamental to our program’s ethos. Finally, we include compulsory language courses (French for foreigners, Spanish and German) in our degree program as we strongly believe in the need to master at least two European languages in addition to the mother tongue of our students. The English language is a wonderful communication tool but if you really want to understand people and make an impact locally, you need to be able to speak their mother tongue. 

Q6: Considering your diverse global experience, what insights can you share on what attracts students to this unique international MBA program? Additionally, what do you consider the most valuable aspects of your program that set it apart from others?

Ans: I consider the Paris area to be an exceptional location, offering more than just proximity to France but also access to Europe and, very interestingly, to the Middle East and Africa. Paris stands as a global city, providing students with a truly international experience. Upon joining our program, students collaborate in groups of 25, with a deliberate effort to foster diversity by limiting the number of students from any single nationality to no more than three or four. Additionally, we frequently welcome exchange students, further enriching the multicultural fabric of our cohorts. 

For example, in my master’s program, we boast a diverse student body hailing from various countries such as India, Indonesia, Morocco, China, Russia, South Korea, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, Lebanon, Italy, Ukraine, Mexico, Brazil and Turkey,  ensuring representation from every continent. Despite global tensions, like the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, our aim remains to cultivate an atmosphere of harmony akin to a microcosm of the  United Nations within our classrooms. 

The strategic advantages of Paris as a location are manifold, attracting global corporations, including those from India, keen on investing in Europe as well as in the Middle East and Africa. Additionally, the French mindset, characterised by a penchant for critical inquiry and challenge, sets our educational environment apart from others. This ethos promotes intellectual growth and resilience, qualities that align well with the cultural disposition of Indian students. Finally, the unparalleled quality of life in France, underscored by exceptional public services, transportation, healthcare, education, and a rich cultural tapestry, renders it an appealing destination for students worldwide. As the adage goes, everyone aspires to reside in the “healthy wealthy” corner of the world, and it’s our endeavour to provide precisely that.

Q7: Do you think the cultural aversion to pushback in top schools, prioritising political correctness over challenging students, impacts educational quality, especially considering the sense of entitlement among students?

Ans:  We specifically seek students who have a very solid analytical background, who embody a hands-on mentality and individuals who thrive on challenges.  While we acknowledge the excellence of other applicants, our priority lies in finding students who seamlessly fit into our program. For instance, we value the dynamic engagement of Indian students,  often reminding them to ensure equitable participation in discussions. Conversely, with some other students who can be more introverted (like Japanese or South Koreans), or students who are less proficient in English, we encourage a more measured approach to allow ample space for all voices to be heard.  Navigating these diverse dynamics can be challenging for some students, yet it fosters an environment rich in learning and growth. 

Q8: Do international students encounter challenges in the French job market you know after they graduate? 

Ans: Absolutely; when students first step onto our campus, they’re already immersed in the rich tapestry of our international MBA program, nestled within the esteemed framework of a French public university.  While much of our information is readily available in English, there are nuances that remain rooted in  French, particularly evident in our information system. As a result, students must adeptly navigate an environment where fluency in French becomes essential. This aspect forms a cornerstone of our programme’s unique value proposition. Every Thursday afternoon, we offer language courses, including intensive French for foreigner classes, completely free of charge. Moreover, students have the opportunity to broaden their linguistic horizons by delving into Spanish or German, enriching their skill set in preparation for the global stage. Such linguistic prowess is not merely a matter of convenience but a strategic asset, particularly when students venture into internships or embark on their professional journeys. 

Despite the vibrant expatriate communities dotting the Parisian landscape, proficiency in the local language remains an indispensable factor for making a tangible impact within the country. It’s a point I frequently stress to our students, especially those engaged in collaborations with esteemed institutions like the University of Pondicherry. As I said earlier, mastering the local tongue serves as a conduit to deeper connections and a more profound understanding of the cultural fabric, proving invaluable in navigating the intricacies of global business interactions. 

Another critical consideration for our students venturing abroad is the labyrinthine realm of work permits and visas. Thankfully, within the European Union, we’re beneficiaries of the Schengen Visa,  which streamlines movement within the Schengen area, obviating bureaucratic impediments. This affords our students the freedom to explore diverse career avenues across borders, unencumbered by logistical constraints. However, the regulatory landscape surrounding immigration policies is subject to flux, presenting a potential caveat for our student’s future endeavours. Nonetheless, the insatiable demand for talent, particularly amidst ageing populations, augurs well for the prospects of our graduates.

As a seasoned global educator, I’ve witnessed a discernible shift in the preferences of companies when it comes to recruiting MBA graduates. While domain expertise undoubtedly holds sway, there’s a discernible trend towards prioritising interdisciplinary skills and adaptability. This dovetails seamlessly with the prevailing ethos of agility and cross-functional collaboration pervading modern organisations.  Reflecting on the trajectories of our illustrious alumni over the past decade, it’s abundantly clear that they’ve charted diverse career pathways spanning an array of industries and roles. This underscores the versatility instilled by our MBA program, equipping students with the requisite problem-solving acumen and a cosmopolitan worldview. Companies now gravitate towards individuals adept at navigating multifaceted challenges within heterogeneous teams, all while championing sustainable solutions over ephemeral gains. Hence, our steadfast emphasis on fostering comprehensive management competencies, encompassing the realms of international law, negotiation, and change management, remains germane in today’s dynamic business milieu. 

Q9: French President Macron recently announced a goal of attracting 30,000 Indian students to France by  2030. This is a significant target. In your view, what strategies and initiatives could French universities and the government implement to effectively attract such a large number of Indian students on an ongoing basis? 

Ans: As the French proverb goes, “Les voyages forment la jeunesse” (A single journey is more valuable than a thousand hours of study). In that spirit, to effectively attract Indian students, France must go beyond traditional methods. My initial foray in 2018, forging partnerships with esteemed Indian institutions like IIT Madras, exemplifies this approach. Building on this foundation, we must implement a multifaceted strategy to close the gap with Germany, which currently hosts a much larger Indian student community. Our focus in Tamil Nadu capitalised on existing local ties, and similar regional outreach efforts across India can prove fruitful. 

At the outset, France accommodated fewer than 10,000 Indian students. However, our trajectory has since surged past 20,000, with aspirations set on reaching the 30,000 milestone, mirroring Germany’s commendable achievements. Notably, Indian students, particularly those pursuing MBAs, have played an instrumental role in propelling Germany’s digital transformation—a narrative we’re eager to replicate. To entice more Indian talent, France extends an array of scholarships, including prestigious ones like the Charpak scholarships, which alleviates the financial burden of living expenses. Our collaborative efforts also entail deepening partnerships with Indian institutions, encompassing both public and private entities. 

What’s intriguing is France’s burgeoning private business and management education sector, which has witnessed exponential growth—from 60,000 to nearly 250,000 students within the past 20 years.  This surge, fueled by investment funds, underscores France’s allure, notably its proximity to European  Union markets and superior quality of life. Consequently, private institutions, buoyed by this favourable environment, aggressively recruit students, leveraging extensive networks facilitated by French embassies and Campus France. While our initial target remains fixed at 30,000, I dare assert that our aspirations should extend further, perhaps to the tune of 50,000 because after all globalisation is a competition for talents, every nation and companies are trying to develop and keep their own and attract the best. However, such decisions ultimately rest with our political leaders, leaving us in eager anticipation for the outcomes of future elections.

Q10: To ensure a successful fit within our international MBA program, what are the key qualities and  experiences your admissions committee typically seeks in prospective candidates? 

Ans: In this year’s cohort, I’m fortunate to have four Indian students in the second year of our program.  Each brings a wealth of professional experience, predominantly in engineering. Notably, one student stands out with a background in languages, particularly French, having previously taught the language at a high school level. What’s intriguing is the gender diversity within our Indian contingent; we have three female students and one male student. It’s worth noting that India boasts a higher proportion of women studying engineering compared to France, where female representation in engineering schools hovers between 20% and 25%. Reflecting on past students, I recall a particularly memorable case—an Indian male student who represented the National Rugby team. It’s fascinating how diverse backgrounds converge in our program, with his engineering acumen complemented by his athletic pursuits, supported by the French consulate in Calcutta. 

While sifting through the multitude of applications, I’ve come to appreciate the value of unconventional profiles. Despite the allure of candidates with extensive travel experiences and top-tier academic credentials, we’re equally drawn to individuals who challenge the status quo. With over three decades of experience in higher education, I’ve encountered a myriad of journeys. Take, for instance, a student from one of India’s premier design schools who pivoted from fashion design to pursue management skills in France—a decision that embodies the spirit of exploration and growth that we cherish. 

Conversely, we sometimes encounter applicants from India who already possess an MBA or extensive management expertise. While undoubtedly skilled, we question the incremental value of another MBA  for them, as it may not significantly enrich the classroom discourse. Hence, we’re inclined to favour candidates who offer a fresh perspective and a hunger for new challenges. The pursuit of talent is an ongoing endeavour, and occasionally, the most promising candidates emerge from unexpected avenues.  Presently, we have a standout student from the University of New Delhi, specialising in economics,  who’s making waves in our program. It’s these diverse backgrounds and unique narratives that imbue our classroom environment with vibrancy and depth. 

Q11: In building this successful program, do you see yourself playing the role of a talent scout who identifies and attracts high-calibre students who contribute to a diverse and dynamic learning environment? 

Ans: In contemporary HR discourse, the emphasis undeniably gravitates towards talent management—a theme echoing throughout organisational corridors. As a native Frenchman, I’ve observed the nuanced truth that talent, in its truest essence, is not universally bestowed; indeed, some may appear unremarkable at first glance, while others, adorned with brilliance, may yet lack the grace of interpersonal finesse. 

Within my professional domain, I derive immense satisfaction from the cultivation of talent within our esteemed MBA program. It is a pursuit both enriching and transformative, witnessing the metamorphosis of our diverse student body, particularly our young female aspirants, as they traverse the educational landscape. A striking example comes to mind—a young Indian protégé, initially adrift amidst unfamiliar terrain, ultimately ascending to a pivotal role within Lesaffre company, a preeminent purveyor of yeast with a global footprint. Her journey epitomises the narrative of the unassuming novice blossoming into a catalyst for change, despite her initial assimilative challenges. 

While our MBA programme may not yet claim the mantle of global preeminence, we take profound pride in our mission to champion budding talents from every corner of the globe. Our alumni’s trajectories are a testament to this ethos—Indian compatriots repatriating to serve in esteemed capacities within the British government or contributing to institutions such as QS, a notable peer in the educational realm. The pedagogical acumen imparted within our halls transcends boundaries, fostering adaptability and resilience, which are vital assets in today’s dynamic professional milieu. 

Although our alumni roster may be modest, comprising a mere 250 stalwarts, our commitment to their advancement remains unwavering. We maintain an open communication conduit, fostering dialogue and engagement through platforms such as WhatsApp or LinkedIn. It is our solemn pledge to invest as profoundly in their success as they do in their own aspirations—a testament to our enduring dedication to impactful education and mentorship. 

Q12: Given the high volume of applications you receive, what advice can you offer to international students seeking to make their applications stand out to your admissions committee? Perhaps you could share one or two key strategies that could strengthen their candidacy. 

Ans: I firmly believe it mirrors the process of applying for a position on LinkedIn or any other professional platform. One must leverage all available communication channels. Merely sending a standard message is akin to casting a note in a bottle into the sea and hoping for a response. Instead,  applicants should endeavour to engage meaningfully, customising their applications and showcasing their enthusiasm through thoughtful inquiries. It’s imperative not to presume that the recipient possesses all requisite knowledge simply because they have perused the website. While our website furnishes valuable insights, it is the personal touch that truly distinguishes an applicant. 

For instance, we have recently introduced a video where I expound upon the International MBA  program in French, accompanied by English subtitles. Nonetheless, what truly elevates a candidate’s  application is their willingness to go above and beyond. Whether it entails reaching out directly to the  program director or assistant, or even soliciting recommendations from former students, such  initiatives leave an indelible impression.  

Many of our students have been referred through word-of-mouth, underscoring the significance of personal connections. It represents a cost-effective strategy that has the potential to redefine one’s  trajectory in life. 

Finally and eventually more important, applicants must have an excellent academic background, an international openness and  a clear personal and professional strategy beyond the program and the motivation to come to France and be able to articulate it during the admission process. 

Q13: In 10 words can you tell a student why they should choose your business school?

Ans: Global MBA in Paris: academic excellence, global skills, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, societal impact, and India-focused support. 

Our Global MBA offers authentic global exposure, tailored for an Indian-friendly  environment. 

Q14: Beyond the well-known strengths of your institution, is there a lesser-known program, resource, or  opportunity that you believe provides exceptional value to students but may not be widely recognized? 

Ans: A Critical Approach to Management: Our institution boasts a unique strength that might not be widely known: a critical approach to management. We house the second-largest management research centre in the Paris area, where a diverse group of international scholars challenge and revise mainstream management theories. This approach is highly collaborative, involving companies facing  real-world challenges. This critical approach, which draws on the legacy of Michel Foucault in French thought, permeates my teaching style. I delve into historical and utopian organisational theories,  exploring diverse practices worldwide. Our focus goes beyond simplistic narratives of successful companies. Furthermore, we encourage a deep understanding of management through various disciplines: anthropology, philosophy, sociology, and economics. This interdisciplinary approach sets our program apart. 

A Network for Indian Students: Our institution is part of a network of public university schools of management

modelled Harvard School of Management and MIT Sloan School of Management but also on the Indian Institutes of Management (IIM). Similar to how the IIMs were established in India, France created these “IAE” schools in the 1950s. Today, there are 38 IAE schools across France, many in smaller cities with lower living costs. Indian students hesitant about Parisian expenses can apply to these schools, like the one in Bordeaux with its affordable international MBA program. 

Exploring Multiple Locations: Given this network, I often recommend that first-time international students consider starting at a smaller IAE with colleagues elsewhere in France. They can then join our Paris program in the second year. This collaborative approach, known as “IAE France,” is showcased on a dedicated website that presents all our programs. 

This network allows us to compete with France’s prestigious private business schools. The value we offer in management and business education is substantial. 

In closing, the journey of IAE Paris-Est School of Management under the visionary leadership of a group of dedicated faculties encapsulates the essence of the French proverb, “Petit à petit, l’oiseau fait son nid” (Little by little, the bird builds its nest). Through incremental progress and unwavering commitment, the institution has reshaped the landscape of business education, fostering an environment where aspiring leaders can thrive. 

As we conclude, let us continue to uphold the values of innovation, inclusivity, and academic excellence,  ensuring that IAE Paris-Est remains a beacon of opportunity and inspiration for generations to come. Merci et à bientôt! (Thank you, and see you soon!)

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