According to Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), there are 582 million entrepreneurs around the world, all having their eyes on becoming a millionaire. But the real question is, in the quest of becoming the most successful entrepreneur, how can you differentiate yourself from the mass? Would a degree help you to become a successful entrepreneur?
Well, as an entrepreneur, you must be keen on proper learning and education. Getting a degree and becoming an entrepreneur does not generally go hand in hand, and that’s the most common mistake that any individual makes.
Let’s have a look at the reasons for the failure of any entrepreneurial venture:
- Retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.
- Lack of new-age business skills in financial management, marketing, and other IT areas.
- Failure to look at the perceived risks of the business.
These are the common reasons for the failure of a business venture. But how can you save yourself from these risks? How can you make your business profitable but save yourself from the above-mentioned risks?
The answer lies in getting a proper education. Yes, of course, there are a number of videos and blogs available for the same, so how would a “degree” help you save your business?
Not letting history repeat itself
In order to become a successful entrepreneur, you must keep your eyes open, literally. There are thousands of people around you, who were once in the same dilemma as you are in, or who made blunders that costed them a fortune.
Pursuing a degree would help you learn from various such case studies. One-on-one interactions in form of webinars and seminars are also undertaken as a part of the curriculum that could help you gain insights. The business education thus received will improve your chances of personal growth.
Opening doors to communities
Becoming a part of a community helps you to have access to expert opinions, recommendations, advice, from people of various geographical diversity. As a budding entrepreneur, you must always look forward to becoming an active participant in such communities.
That’s not it. You can even have access to creating your team with the help of the community. You might even find a potential investor here, who knows?
Becoming the competition, yourself
If you are thinking about pursuing a degree before your big break, you can go for a degree in the areas of Marketing, Business, Finance and become the jack of all trades. How? Well, you will learn everything from scratch – marketing strategies, how to pitch a brief, administrative and financial background.
This would not only help you to understand all the aspects of your prospective business or start-up but it would also help you grow, personally. By having the knowledge of all the above-mentioned areas, you can look forward to your business in a meticulous manner.
Hence, get yourself a degree!
Did you know that around 20% of the budding businesses fail during their first year itself? Of course, a number of factors affect the reasons why a business fail. But, lack of proper education, proper guidance and proper support definitely adds up to the reasons for the failure. It is obvious that you do not want yourself to get trapped in any of the above-mentioned aspects of failure and proper education, therefore, becomes useful to become a successful entrepreneur.
Once, you have received a proper education for the same, you can easily walk on the path towards your goal and aim to fly on the clouds of success. As Elizabeth Warren once said, “A good education is the foundation for a better future.” Get yourself your required education at Marwadi University and make yourself walk on the path of your better future, right away!