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Marketing Aptitude Quiz for Banking entrance exams


This quiz
consists of actual questions from various Banking entrance exams held during
the last few years. Leave your answers/ responses in the comments section below
and soon we’ll let you know the correct answers!

1. What
does ‘USP’ in marketing means?

(1) Useful Selling Practices

(2) Uniform Selling Practices

(3) United Sales Persons

(4) Unique Selling Proposition

(5) Unique sales Person

2. Consumer
Protection Act came into existence in?

(1) 1966

(2) 1986

(3) 1946

(4) 1956

(5) 1996

3. What
do you mean by market survey?

(1) market research

(2) market plan

(3) market monitoring

(4) marketing strategies

(5) All of these

4. __________
provides written information about the product

(1) branding

(2) packaging

(3) label

(4) costing

(5) None of these

5. What
does good public relations indicate?

(1) improved marketing skills

(2) improved brand image

(3) improved customer service

(4) All of the above

(5) None of the above

6.  Cross selling means?

(1) city-city selling

(2) selling to existing customers

(3) cold calling

(4) sales with crossed fingers

(5) selling with cross face

7. Direct mail advertising includes?

(1) price list

(2) folders

(3) booklets

(4) post card

(5) All of the above

8. In case of prestige goods, the demand is?

(1) not price sensitive till a level

(2) price sensitive       

(3) not price sensitive     

(4) less price sensitive             

(5) None of the above

9. What
do you mean by delivery channels?

(1) courier service

(2) delivery time

(3) distribution agencies

(4) offsite banking

(5) place
from where the products are sold

10. Market plan is a?

(1) Calendar     

(2) Selling process        

(3) Year-end-budget       

(4) Business document for marketing strategies

(5) All of the above

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