Maharashtra SSC Class 10th Result
Maharashtra SSC Class 10th result will be released shortly by the Maharashtra State Board. Candidates appeared in this exam can then check their results through the official website, www.mahresult.nic.in.
The result released is for July 2019 exam. The Official notice regarding the release of the result has been announced by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
Steps to check Maharashtra SSC 2019 Result:
- Visit the official website, as mentioned above.
- Click on the “SSC 2019 Result” link.
- Enter roll number and mother’s first name as login credentials.
- Check and download the result.
- Take a print of the SSC 2019 result for further use.
The exam was from 17th to 30th July 2019. The March 2019 results were declared on 8th June 2019. The result will be available only on the official website, not on any other site. Candidates must check the official website for timely updates and information.