In keeping with the annual trend of releasing a demo mock before the actual exam, CAT authorities have released the demo test for this year. The objective of the demo test is to provide test takers an experience of what can they expect in terms of interface and features in the actual exam. For the major part, the exam maintains a similar look and feel to the last year. Still, the demo test highlights some important points and let’s analyse them one at a time.
1. Increased time limit for PWD/DA candidates
Candidates belonging to the Differently-abled (DA) and Persons with Disability
(PWD) categories will be provided an extra 60 minutes in the exam. These
candidates will have a sectional time limit of 80 minutes.
2. Directions specifying the number of questions for RCs, LR sets and
DI sets
The most significant change in the directions this time is the fact
that CAT authorities have mentioned the number of questions for RCs, LR sets
and DI sets. The directions provided are: For Data Interpretation and Logical
Reasoning, each situation/scenario may consist of a block of 4 questions. For
Reading Comprehension, each passage will consist of a block of 3 or 6
In the demo test, the exam features 24 RC questions (3 passages contain
6 questions each and 2 passages contain 3 questions each). Though the actual
exam may vary from this pattern, you should be mentally prepared for such a
3. Marking Scheme
The marking scheme for the exam clearly mentions +3 for a correct
answer, -1 in case of an incorrect answer and 0 marks for a question that has
not been attempted. Also, it has been clearly mentioned that Non-MCQ questions do not carry
any negative marking. Make sure you do not leave any such question and
mark answers for all Non-MCQ questions.
4. Scientific Calculator
To the surprise of many, a scientific calculator has been provided by

Curiously, I used this calculator for one of the questions given in the
sample test (what is the value of the last digit of 7^2008) and infinity was
the value was returned by the calculator.

I sincerely hope this was done intentionally by the test taking
authorities else it is something which is pretty embarrassing.
5. Non-MCQ Questions
The break-up of non-MCQ questions featured in the demo test is as
Verbal Ability: 10 questions from topics such as Paragraph
Summary, Para-jumbles and Odd one out.
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation: 8 questions (2 full
Quantitative Aptitude: 10 questions.
Based on this, you can expect 26 to 30 such questions in the exam. Also,
each section has featured a similar number of non-MCQ questions, so you can
expect the same in the exam as well.
Navigating and Answering Questions:
Things to keep in mind while
answering questions
1. Meanings of symbols
You need to keep in mind the meanings of symbols in the question
palette while answering questions. In the figure below (taken from the demo
test), the meanings of the various symbols are provided.

Be careful of the first symbol. It highlights questions that you have
answered and marked. The directions in this case clearly state: if a question
is answered and ‘marked for review’, then the answer will be considered for
evaluation unless the status is modified by the candidate.
2. Make sure you click ‘Save and Next’ to mark an answer
In order to answer MCQ questions, you need to click on the bubble
placed before the choices in the form of radio button (0). For non MCQ
questions, answers need to be typed in using the on-screen keyboard.

In both cases, you need to click on ‘Save and Next’ before moving to
the next question. Your answer won’t be marked if you click on the next
question number from the question palette on the right.
Two important features you can use in the exam:
These are two features that were there last year as well. These are two
important features that can help you perform better in the exam.
1. View the full section by clicking on the button ‘Question Paper’
In keeping with the annual trend of releasing a demo mock before the actual exam, CAT authorities have released the demo test for this year. The objective of the demo test is to provide test takers an experience of what can they expect in terms of interface and features in the actual exam. For the major part, the exam maintains a similar look and feel to the last year. Still, the demo test highlights some important points and let’s analyse them one at a time.

This is an extremely useful feature that allows you to view the full
section. You can devise your section strategy on the basis of this and identify
the questions you should be solving first in the section.
2. Section Review provided at the top
The summary of your attempts is provided at the top. You can hover over
the section name and you will find your section summary there.

This completes a quick round-up of the major changes in CAT 2015 and
the important points that can be derived from the demo CAT. You can use this
analysis to fine tune your preparation.