I wonder why some people cannot be so unique and simple. If I were god, I would make my enemies to feel how I live my life, unlike them Maybe that will help ’em to GROW UP ! When thinking about my enemies,who stab about me and who don’t like me, I always become angry with my life….


Really it is another destination. People come, people go, Some stay for a long time and some leaves too early and good ones die soon, bad ones live long! That is what I’ve revealed about life. Sometimes It makes me crazy and happy sometimes. Sometimes I’m the best and worst as well. Truly life is a gamble of emotions, incidents and opportunities. When one door closes another one opens, but with difficult barriers ! Fast success never live long but slow progress with hard efforts does.

Some people say that everything happens for a reason. I strongly believe in that. Though bad things happen to us, time passes by those bad things become our weapons, advantages and knowledge ! Isn’t it amazing? Have you ever thought of these things I mention earlier. Some people ask *Why dream big?* and some ask *Why dream small?*

And the most important thing is we have to expect the UNEXPECTED!

I wonder this life is too short, because even 100 births won’t be helpful to realize the true nature of this world and people. Sometimes being serious cost us badly. Sometimes we have to fake our lives to protect ourselves. Some people get their hands dirty to make others feel happy. Some people try harder and harder but never succeeds, while some succeed without any big efforts? That’s why LUCK is essential!

But whatever happens, do you try to quit, or to sleep without even trying. NO! Because you know that one day you gonna make a blast!

So isn’t this life amazing?? Seriously, I was thinking about these things since a very long time. Still I’m searching for a conclusion. Still I’m fighting to make my life special. Still we are fighting to spend our days worth-fully. Have you ever succeeded? Or have you ever given up when you fail? I guess a NO! So do I! This life is only a rest until we take another birth. For that small period of time why don’t we take the max advantages of what we have. Without imitating others, without being revengeful, without depending on others how many of them try to create their own identity. How many of them are using their brains, hands and legs. So do I! Because the gamble of this game named *LIFE* won’t help you to grow up twice !!!!

Here’s a quote …..

“Every Moment Has Love In It , Every Hour has Happiness In It,

If You Lose It, It Became Memory, If You Live It, It Becomes Life !!!”

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