Life Insurance Corporation of India is one of the most respected public sector insurance company of India. LIC has various branches throughout the country to help conduct its operations. In order to conduct its operations smoothly, LIC conducts various recruitment campaigns periodically wherein it invites applications from interested candidates for various vacancies available with it.
Under the latest recruitment campaign conducted by LIC, applications were invited from interested candidates for the post of Assistant. As expected, numerous candidates applied for the available vacancies.
LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019 was conducted on 22nd December 2019 across multiple venues in the country. Ever since the exam was completed successfully, candidates have been waiting for the declaration of the final results.
Well, there is now an extremely useful piece of information for all the candidates who had appeared for the LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019 on 22nd December 2019.
LIC has declared the final results for the LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019 on its official website i.e. licindia.in. LIC has also released the merit list for the qualified candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks.
Candidates who had appeared for the LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019, should log-on to the official website of LIC and download their result as soon as possible.
The result for the LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019 has been released in the form of a PDF file which can be accessed by the candidates on the official website. It is advisable that the candidates need to take a printout of their LIC Assistant Mains Result 2019 for future reference.
Candidates who have managed to clear the LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019, should log-on to the official website regularly in order to access any announcements regarding the further selection process. Candidates are advised to avoid any reports or rumours doing rounds on social media and to access the official website only for any query that they may have.
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LIC Assistant Mains Result 2019: How to download
Following are the steps that the candidates must follow to download the LIC Assistant Mains Exam Result 2019: –
- Log-on to the official website of LIC Assistant Mains Exam 2019 @ licindia.in.
- Now, on the home page of the website, locate and click on the link for “LIC Assistant Mains Exam Result 2019.”
- Once you click on the link, a new PDF file will open with the result.
- Use “Ctrl + F” command to locate your details in the result sheet.
- You must download the result and save it on your computer.
- Candidates must also take a printout of the result for future reference.
Sectional cut-off and overall cut-offs for candidates from various categories will also be released on the official website after a few days.