The admit card for prelims 2019 for LIC Assistant to be released by the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). The prelims exam is online and will be a computer-based test. So, candidates must hold a basic computer operating knowledge.
This recruitment drive is for the post of Assistant in LIC. The admit card will get released on the official website on 15th October 2019. It will be available till 22nd October 2019. Once released candidates must download their admit card as soon as possible.
LIC Assistant 2019 Important Dates:
Name of the Event | Dates |
Admit Card releases on | 15th October 2019 |
Last date to download the admit card | 22nd October 2019 |
Date of the exam | 21st and 22nd October 2019 |
The intimation regarding the release of the admit card will be sent via email or SMS to the applicants so they can download it at the moment form the LIC website. The LIC assistant 2019 exam is scheduled to be conducted from 21st to 22nd October 2019.
The official website through which the candidates applied for the LIC assistant 2019 exam can download their admit card is www.licindia.in .
Steps to download LIC Assistant 2019 Admit Card:
- Visit the official website of LIC India as mentioned above.
- Click on “CAREERS” link on the homepage.
- Go to the “Download of Call Letter for LIC Assistant Online Preliminary Exam” link.
- Enter your Registration Number or Roll Number, Password and Date of Birth for logging in.
- Click on the “SUBMIT” button.
- Check and download the LIC Assistant 2019 Admit Card.
- Save the admit card for future use.
LIC Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern:
- Exam will consist of objective type questions.
- Reasoning Ability (30 Marks)
- Numerical Ability (35 Marks) and
- English Language/Hindi Language (30 Marks).
- The duration of the exam will be 1 hour.
Candidates must carry their admit card along with one of the photo identities cards to the exam centre. So, admit card is an essential document which must be downloaded from the official website in prior. You can also read, LIC Assistant Prelims 2019 Exam.
Candidates qualifying in prelims exam will be called for the main 2019 exam. The selection of the candidates will be done based on the performance in the main exam.
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