#1 Social media Skills and Employer Branding
Two-way transmission That Social Media accelerates Is making it possible for Administrations to enumerate the outputs of their branding Behaviours in much Enhanced manner.
#2 work life-balance
Expertise of your workforce in the manner the is most appropriate to their profession also has a huge influence on their efficiency and contribution. Therefore, HRM must in partnership with the absorbing department to confirm that the training and development programs being transported to workforce are in harmony with the needs of the organization.
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#3 Career Development
The enlargements in learning technologies are expanding for HR managers to adjourn the conservative training programmes and make learning and talent development an inherent part of work culture.
#4 Real time succession management
Proficiency and the smart use of HR analytics permit a far more actual succession management. In the past the succession management procedure was too slow. If you really need a need good mediator to execute the policy of your organisations, it is not very helpful to ask senior management: “Who are the good mediators in your business unit?”. The line of vision of senior management is too limited, and it takes too much time to accumulate the evidence anyway.
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#5 Employees Treasure Honesty Most
Reward and job security are both very significant, but another evolving human resource trend will be employees having a sense of loyalty to small businesses that are honest with them. An open-door policy and transparency will keep your employees from switching and moving on to the competition
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