Candidates, the countdown to the exam of the year has begun! The authorities have released the CAT admit card on 23rd October 2019, and it will be held in 156 test cities in morning and afternoon slots, with a few alterations in its pattern.
If you are dedicated to crack the most competitive management entrance exam which has around two lakh examinees appearing, even a crash-splash-rush span can take you to the top. Let’s see how it works.
CAT 2019 requires a different preparation strategy, a smart one. It is time to switch from theoretical knowledge to practice. Shift your focus from conceptual clarity and strengthening of fundamentals to more practice sessions.
Take mock tests to identify and improve upon your errors. Read an online version of a newspaper daily.
Attend online lectures on various kinds of topics sequentially and solve related questions. Doing this will help you to get your basics correct.
Like all large-scale virtual exams, CAT utilizes multiple evaluations of the test-taker. Hence, there are two types of scores involved: a raw and a scaled one.
The former is calculated for each section based on the number of questions one has answered correctly, incorrectly, or left unattempted. Candidates get +3 points for each correct answer, -1 point for incorrect ones, and no deductions for unanswered questions.
The raw scores are then adjusted through ‘equating’. It is placed on a standard scale or metric for ensuring an appropriate interpretation of the scores. This process is called scaling.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for CAT 2019 Admit Card Released
An overview of the test pattern is attached below to help you in this process.
Section | Multiple Choice Questions | Non-Multiple-Choice Questions | Marks | Time (in minutes) |
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension | 24 | 10 | 102 | 60 |
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning | 24 | 8 | 96 | 60 |
Quantitative Ability | 27 | 7 | 102 | 60 |
Total | 75 | 25 | 300 | 180 |
Now that you have got an idea of the pattern, here is how you can gear yourself for the preparation stage:
- Know the CAT syllabus and pattern well.
- Focus on your strengths.
- More mocks will enhance your speed and accuracy.
- Do not forget to analyse your practice .
- Read the comprehension passage carefully, each time.
- Don’t get stuck on one question.
- Time yourself through all sections by taking full-length mocks.
- Take mocks in an exam-like environment.
- Do not miss out on practising previous years’ sample question papers .
- On the CAT day, take it like a boss. Ace it like it’s just another mock!
Those who have belled the CAT previously have some words of advice you can do with:
- Do not keep yourself tied to theory. If you have understood the basics, go for the CAT sectional quiz.
- Get the best CAT preparation material and spend time with your notes.
- Be confident right from day one in your CAT preparation journey.
- Self-motivation is the best way to buck yourself up.
- The last few days to CAT should be enjoyed revising.
- Watch movies which reiterate that an exam is not the end of the world.
To conclude, have faith in yourself and use your time wisely. Don’t forget to methodically arrange your admit-card and other documents, so that there is no scope for last-minute rush and nerves. Invest in a good night’s sleep on the day before, and a hearty breakfast on the D-day.
Rest assured, you won’t meow, but roar in the exam hall!
Wish you luck!