The admit card for KSRTC Technical Assistant and Security Guard 2020 exam Common Aptitude Test (CAT) has been released by the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC). Candidates applied for this exam can download their admit card from the official website of KSRTC.
The KSRTC Technical Assistant and Security Guard 2020 exam is scheduled to be held on 2nd February 2020. Candidates can download the KSRTC admit card by visiting the official website or through the direct link mentioned below in this article.
KSRTC Hall Ticket can be downloaded by entering Application Number and Date of Birth (As per SSLC/10th Marks Card). KSRTC will be conducted on 02 February 2020 (Sunday) from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM for the post of Technical Assistant and from 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM for Security Assistant Posts.
The site to get more details on the KSRTC Technical Assistant and Security Guard 2020 exam and to download the admit card is www.kea.kar.nic.in .
Steps to download KSRTC Technical Assistant and Security Guard Admit Card 2020:
- Visit the official website of KSRTC as mentioned above.
- Click on the “KSRTC Technical Assistant and Security Guard Admit Card 2020” link on the KSRTC home page.
- Enter the applicant credentials required to download the admit card.
- Check and download the KSRTC Technical Assistant and Security Guard Admit Card 2020.
- Take a print of the admit card for future reference.
The direct link to download the admit card is here, KSRTC Admit Card Download Link.
Exam Pattern:
- In this exam, a total of 100 questions will be given of 100 marks.
- The duration of the KSRTC exam is 75 mins.
- There will be questions from Current Events, General Knowledge of Indian History, Economic, Constitution, Geography, Day to day life science and Technology, Basic Knowledge of Public Transport and Labour Relations, Leadership Communication, Inter Personal Relation and Decision-Making Skill and Computer Knowledge.
- For the post of Technical Assistant, the questions will also be framed on Knowledge of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering.
This recruitment exam is being held to fulfil the requirement of 726 vacant post of Technical Assistant and 200 Posts of Security Assistant Posts.
Also read, KSRTC 2020 Admit Card.