“Shekhar, will you come for the Kanyathon of IFIMB?” I asked my friend Brig. Shekhar Naidu who is the Commandant of Military Police Centre at Bangalore. The idea that the walkathon is on the theme of ‘Save the Girl Child’; spurred him on. He not only readily agreed, but also promised to bring his jawans and officers with their families for the event.
“Well done Army!” I complimented him.
Once the walk started, Brig Shekhar, Major Jinesh, myself and my wife Annie formed our cosy group after Brig Shekhar had flagged of the walk and run along with other VIPs. We too took off behind the rest of the crowd. We had to wait for many enthusiasts to pass as some of them were keen to be right in front with their banners. As we were walking along, our conversation centered on two segments of society, one that respects the women and one that still considers them as unequal gender. We felt elated when we saw young school students in their colour T-shirts making their way through the large crowd. We were served water and lime at every turn by the volunteers. Someone dropped a bottle opposite Infosys building. A volunteer girl student of IFIM promptly made a dash for it and put it her trash bag that she was carrying. We watched her in humble admiration.
Bangalore FC
The presence of Bangalore Football Club team and a team of Stunt cyclists were getting a cheer from everyone. The Army jawans were showing their prowess in the marathon race along with the senior management persons of the institution. I saw hostel warden Raju Poojari racing past in his second lap as if there was no tomorrow. “Fantastic Raju! You were setting the finest personal example for the IFIM’s wellness program.”
We counted almost all top IT companies enroute. My wife was happily ambling past these big buildings of India’s Silicon Valley which she had seen through the car windows in the past. I told my group proudly that IFIM is a rare and lucky institution to be located in the midst of all these dream companies.
I went to meet the army jawans in the College Cafeteria where they were being served hot breakfast after the run. The college waiters were proudly serving the ‘defenders’ of our motherland. The jawans were very happy to be part of an event which was organized by young students. We ourselves decided to give it a try at one of the many food stalls that were put up by food vendors. A great festival atmosphere had ensued for a great cause. While seeing him off I asked Brig. Shekhar as to how he liked the whole event.
“Well done IFIM”, he returned the compliment handsomely.
We had squared off our gratitude and complement with each other.
Colonel Rajesh Jasial
IFIM Business School