It has been announced that the National Testing Agency has changed the exam dates for JEE Main April 2020. Earlier the exam for the Joint Entrance Exam second attempt was scheduled from 03rd April 2020 to 09th April 2020.
But now the new exam dates have been announced by National Testing Agency which are 05th April, 07th April, 08th April, 09th April and 11th April 2020.
The premier testing agency has not provided the reason for the changing the dates. The announcement for the change in dates was made along with the result of the recently concluded January Examination.
Candidates from field of Engineering, architecture and planning aspirants across the country should note the new examination dates released by NTA.
The official web page to download the new dates for the exam is jeemain.nic.in .
The first attempt exam dates for JEE Main were from 06th January till 09th January 2020. There are one more day in the second attempt of JEE Main exam of the year. The first attempt of JEE main was conducted over 4 days whereas the second attempt has been decided to be conducted over 5 days.
It has been now estimated that there will be a greater number of candidates to appear in the second attempt of JEE Main 2020 as compared to the first attempt.
JEE Main is the national level test which is held by National Testing Agency for admission in B.E. / B.Tech, B.Arch, B.Plan courses. The rank gained in Joint Entrance Examination is important as they form the basis of admission to NITs, IIITs, CFTIs, and also candidates will be eligible for the JEE Advanced exam.
The exam paper for JEE Main consists of Multiple Choice and numerical value questions. National Testing Agency, NTA conducts the exam twice a year. The advantage of the conducting the exam twice the year is that the best percentile of the candidate is calculated for the final result.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for JEE Main 2020 Exam Discussion / JEE MAIN 2020: Application Correction, Syllabus, Exam Date
Also read, JEE Main April 2020 Application.