JEE Main 2020 January
Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is scheduled to be conducted from 06th January 2020, Monday till 09th January 2020, Thursday. The JEE main examination will be conducted in two shifts, the first shift will be from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM and the second shift will be from 02:30 PM to 05:30 PM.
Important Tips:
Candidates can below the important tips for the examination:
- Since the exam date is near, students should not try to learn any new topics. Learning the new topics might confuse you at the last moment.
- It is recommended that the students should revise all the important topics formulas and concepts more than two times before the examination.
- It is highly recommended that the candidates should read all the instructions carefully before beginning with the exam on the exam day while writing the paper.
- Also, students should read all the questions that is complete question paper before starting with the solution.
- It is important to make a mental planning about how to approach the paper. Students might mark the easy question first to solve them first and then gradually move to the complicated questions.
- Solving the easy questions first will not only build up the confidence but would also give ample time to solve the complicated ones.
- The important advice to the students is if they get stuck in any question then they should marks save and mark for review and answer later. Instead of wasting time in one question they should move on and solve other questions.
- Students should not panic in case of computer failure as it is important to keep calm, take a deep breath and then attempt again to solve the paper.
The official website to get more important details on JEE Main 2020 exam is https://jeemain.nic.in/ .
The National Testing Agency will conduct Aptitude Test and Maths Test in a computer-based Test mode and the drawing test would be conducted in pen & Paper mode.
Also read, NTA JEE Main 2020.