NTA (National Testing Agency) conducts JEE (Joint Entrance Exam) twice before admissions to the next academic session. This year, NTA has scheduled to conduct the exam of JEE Main first session on 6th January 2020 to 11th January 2020.
The candidates who seek admission to the UG Engineering programmes at NIT’s, IIT’s and other CFTI (Centrally Funded Technical Institutes), Institutions funded by participating State Governments, need to qualify the JEE main exam.
The JEE main exam is an eligibility test for the BE/B. Tech/ JEE Advanced which the candidate has to take the test if aspiring for admission to the UG course offered by IIT.
The official website of JEE Main to know more details about the exam is https://jeemain.nic.in/ .
Mode of the exam:
JEE Main exam will be conducted in various modes- BE/B. Tech in computer-based test mode. For B. Arch mathematics- Part I and Aptitude (Part II) will be conducted in Computer-based test mode and a drawing test (Part III) will be conducted in Pen and Paper mode (offline) to be attempted on drawing in an A4 sheet.
- Planning- Part I- Mathematics, Part II – Aptitude Test, and Part III- Planning Based Questions- in computer-based mode only.
Choice of the medium of question paper:
The medium of question paper will be in English, Hindi, and Gujarati languages. It is to be noted that the option of the question paper language should be exercised while filling the application form and cannot be changed later on. The candidates should also note that for the correctness of the questions in all the question papers, the English version will be taken into account.
JEE Main Admit card 2020:
The JEE Main exam Admit card 2020 will be released by NTA on the official website in December 2019. The candidates can download the JEE Main exam admit card 2020 using the registration number and date of birth. The candidates will not be allowed to write the exam without the admit card.
Also read, JEE Main 2020 Admit Card.
Guidelines for CBT:
The candidates need to bring the following documents on the day of the exam to the exam centre.
- Admit card.
- One passport size photo.
- ID proof.
- PWD candidates have to bring the certificate issued by the authorized medical officer.
Result JEE Main 2020:
The result of the JEE main 2020 will be compiled based on the final answer key. The result will be made available on the official website of NTA by 31st January 2020.
Stay updated with other applicants through our group, JEE Main 2020 Exam Discussion – PaGaLGuY.