The black winds standing still on the shore as students of Jawaharlal Nehru University chosen to boycott the semester exams that were programmed to be carried in December, the University has chosen to conduct exams through mails.
The JNU administration already has begun sending out the question paper for all the students who are appearing through the mail with a deadline for submission.
The respective email sent out to students for every subject comprises along with the course name with the enclosed email id of the faculty to whom the answer sheets should be sent and also the last date to send the answer sheets through the mail.
Keeping it as a top priority, Secretary and President of JNUTA have already sent out a letter to their colleagues where they have stated that the newly announced design to conduct the end-semester examination from December 18 is not the correct and fair way to conduct the exam.
The exams carried in such a way would make a complete joke on the commitment to maintain the high academic standard, they wrote in the letter. So, to not let this issue, they are not participating in this ridiculous and illegitimate exercise.
So, the end semester exams will be continued from December 12 to December 20, 2019. No faculty members who will be needed to conduct the examination can go for leave in this period.
JNU administration has published a notice where it has declared that no faculty can take leave or go out of station throughout this period.
What is happening is opinionate but still, the cost is paid on account of education is totally not acceptable.
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