ISRO LPSC is hiring 41 candidates for Technician B, Draughtsman B, Driver and Other Posts. Eligible candidates can apply through online mode starting from 18 th June 2019. You can download the official notification from the PDF attached at https://www.lpsc.gov.in/. You can be a part of ISRO, if you are SSCLS/SSC pass with ITI Certificate. Interested and eligible candidates can apply to the required posts on or before 2 nd July 2019.
ISRO LPSC Vacancy Details:
Technician B – 21 Posts, Draughtsman B- 4 Posts, Heavy Vehicle Driver A – 4 Posts, Heavy Vehicle
Driver A – 1 Post and Catering Attendant A -11 Posts
Pay Scale for Technician B, Draughtsman B, Driver and Other Posts:
Technician B, Draughtsman B – Rs. 21,700- Rs. 69, 100/-
Heavy Vehicle Driver A, Heavy Vehicle Driver A – Rs. 19, 900- Rs. 63, 200/-
Catering Attendant A –Rs. 18,000 – Rs. 56, 900/-
Age Limit for ISRO LPSC recruitment 2019 is 35 years maximum. Age relaxation is applicable for reserved category as per govt. rules.
Candidates should keep the printout of the finally submitted online application for future reference. For more details of ISRO LPSC recruitment 2019, stay tuned to www.pagalguy.com