Indian School of Business is totally worth paying higher fees and going to because it is a great brand and has achieved remarkable rankings. The Financial Times has ranked it #27 globally and it has been considered for a long time one of the best B-schools in India. It helps to get a quicker prospect in the work field as it is a young MBA course of 1 year. So in this case the more you pay, the better you get.
ISB earns its image for the blossoming infrastructure, the handsome job offers it provides and the brilliant training it equips with. The short course of one year takes care of a candidate’s financial health and he or she is able to make a difference once he or she knows about the career he or she is going to choose.
The faculty members are constantly accredited to be a versatile group of professionals who train the students in the best way possible. Teachers from Kellogg, Harvard, Wharton and other reputed platforms and such a group of trainers are very rare to find in India.
When ISB is compared with other B-schools, it has to be kept in mind that it is compared with those that have a similar tenure of course. Otherwise it is pointless to compare a one year MBA course to others that are of 2 years or more.
ISB is a platform that allows a mixture of heterogeneous and varied ideas to merge. One gets to socialize with peers belonging to a variety of social and cultural backgrounds.
The selection procedure involves a qualifying round through the PGP or Post Graduate Programming in Management, which is designed not according to the normal conventions of B-schools, and only selects those candidates who have already earned weighted work experience from different sectors in management.
It admits students who have persistently been scoring well academically too besides the productive work experience gathered. So before comparing ISB with other B-schools, one should first understand that getting through ISB’s tough and calculative admission procedure needs formidable preparation.
ISB provides a fast tracked course that gives an impetus to those who face a crunch in their careers after working in the industry for a long time. The experience gained should be weighed against the cost invested as the former will have a lasting impact in the professional’s working status.
Another advantage of having one year course from here is the fact that from the perspective of ROI, one gets to earn after investing a sum in the first year, you get to earn more than that in the second year. So this is an analysis that is cost benefit.
Finally, one must be very sure why to join ISB. Firstly, if MBA is the first and foremost thing to get into one’s dream job, then definitely this should be the decision. A financial perspective should not be the only way to review the decision of getting an MBA done as it shouldn’t be just another thing to add in the resume.
MBA should be done only when one is sure of the field he or she is going to opt for and as a long-term investment. When an MBA is taken as an experimental or educational degree, then the cost weighs a little more.