It was 17th June, 2019; a guy from Silvassa was ready to embark on a new phase of his life, wondering whether it’s the excitement or the nervousness which is getting the better of him. Little did he know the streak of events that are actually on the other side of the table. Preparations for the ice-breaking event ‘All Izz Well’, club and committee Interviews, classes, assignments, tests – there goes his first couple of months at SIMSR, Mumbai. MBA is going to be tough, they said. The first couple of months would get you used to the multi-tasking, they never said. The same multi-tasking has even helped him build some amazing bonds which he can proudly classify as a family away from home.
Though even a normal day at SIMSR would keep him on his toes, the same day would make sure that he, knowingly or unknowingly, break fresh grounds on an individual level.
Needless to say, everyone, from the faculty to his batchmates, have been kind and supportive on every possible front. So, all’s good in the hood for now. Hope it gets even better for him as the time progresses!