Mahatma Gandhi once said, “By education, I mean an all-round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind and spirit.” IMT Hyderabad, is the place one should strive to be at if one wishes to experience an all-round and holistic development of oneself.
I vividly remember the day when I got my offer letter to join this amazing institution which is located in one of the most scenic setting one could ask for in a wonderful city like Hyderabad. I was engulfed by two very different feelings at the same time! One, of an excitement on having made it to an institute with such strong credentials and high repute and the other of being in self-doubt that whether I would be able to survive in a place far away from home and completely out of my comfort zone.
Little did I know that this feeling of self-doubt would vanish within the very first week of joining the institute. This place has very distinctly moulded me to become a confident individual who is willing to take any challenge head-on and not think twice before going out of the comfort zone to give my best in any situation. IMT-H has certainly become my home away from home for the last two years!
A large part of shaping an individual to become the best version of himself/herself at IMT-H is not just limited to the regular classroom sessions. In fact, it is all that and much more. The institute has multiple clubs and committees which give an individual enough freedom to explore new avenues and build upon his/her existing interests and skill sets. The best part is also the fact that the institute supports its students in every way possible to stretch their imagination and goes all out in providing them with all the possible resources and support.
With all the resources available at students’ disposal, it is heartening to see how individual efforts translate into a common synergy and make every event a huge success. However, the beauty of being in a club/committee is not just limited to making every event a success, it also lies in the fact that one gets to work with individuals who are all very different, not just in terms of their educational/ family background and varied interests but also in terms of their accomplishments. Each and every student at IMT-H is an accomplished individual in his/her way and it is only a matter of time when this ‘team’ of such amazing individuals amalgamates into a family.
My biggest takeaway from this wonderful institution has and will always be all the wonderful qualities that I have learnt here and tried to imbibe from my batchmates while working together in teams and giving shape to the wonderful events that IMT-H has hosted time and again.
After all, education does go beyond the classrooms and books.
As I look back at my two years stay at IMT- H, I can say with conviction that this wonderful institution has transformed me into a confident individual equipped with requisite skills and vision to step into the Corporate World and contribute in a positive manner.
Shirish Mehta (Batch 2017-19)