The pandemic has been offering several challenges to different sections of society. With the restriction of pandemic protocols and gathering along with a financial disturbance in the country, the students and aspirants planning to seek admission in universities and colleges this year have fallen in a dilemma.
In a recent news update, the Uttar Pradesh Entrance Exam (UPSEE 2020) has witnessed its lowest turnout in almost four years, with only 71.46 per cent students taking part in the UPSEE 2020. The downfall in attendance has been mainly related to the pandemic along with other factors.
The UPSEE 2020 conducted by the APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University (APKJAKTU) initially saw 115,000 applicants. The test was conducted for students seeking admission into programmes like MBA and BTech.
The UPSEE 2020 scores are further accepted by renowned 756 universities and institutions located across the country.
However, the sudden drop in the number of applicants was significant. The previous four years had a greater number of applicants as compared to the present year. In 2017, the percentage of applicants was at 92.
However, in 2018 and 2019, it was 86 per cent and 89.5 per cent respectively. From these percentages, the present numbers have fallen to just 71.46 per cent.
As per the statement of APJAKTU pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof Vineet Kansal, the key reason for the drop of applicants this year was the spread of the virus. Students have constantly been fearing about their safety and well-being.
However, he also suggested that there was a fair chance that the students might have scored well in the JEE entrance examination and would have used that score for seeking admission into relevant colleges.
Thus, not opting for the UPSEE 2020 examination. On the other hand, Prof Vineet Kansal also suggested that students might have taken admission into private colleges and institution due to the delay in the UPSEE 2020 examination and its postponement.
Earlier, the UPSEE 2020 examination was scheduled on 2nd August 2020. However, it was further postponed and shifted to 20th September 2020. The result will be declared on 20th October, and the counselling session has been planned after 25th October 2020.
UPSEE 2020: Test centre location
APJAKTU had scheduled the exam at different centres in major cities of the country. With a total of 206 exam centres, 187 centres were located in Uttar Pradesh whereas 19 centres were located in distinct cities.
Apart from UP, the examination took place in centres like Patna, Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Bhopal, etc., among other distinctive centres.
The centres were also located in Noida, and Greater Noida was a total of 3000 students took the exam.
A total of 5 test centres were located in Greater Noida whereas only 1 centre was located in Noida. The JSS Academy of Technical Education was the only test centre at Noida located at Sector 62.
The test centres in Greater Noida were- Dronacharya Group of Institutions, IIMT College, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Accurate Institute of Management and Technology and GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management.
Prof Vineet Kansal shared a few details regarding the test and its centre test. As per his insight, the test was conducted in three shifts, i.e. 9 am to 11 am, 12 pm to 3 pm and 3.45 pm to 6.45 pm.
The MCA and MBA paper was scheduled at 3.45 pm whereas the BTech paper was scheduled from noon. The morning shift had other papers like Bachelors of Fine Arts, BPharm, etc. among others.
Each test centre was allotted nodal officers and features like WhatsApp Bot were also made available for a smooth flow of communication.
Information was shared on WhatsApp by the officer. Moreover, as per reports, no incident about cheating or paper leak was reported. All the pandemic protocols were practised, and each student was kept in the isolation ward located within the test centre allotted to them.
As a result, no student with high temperature or pandemic symptom was spotted. This information was shared by the UPSEE 2020 coordinator, Prof Vineet Kansal, indicating a smooth event.
The registered aspirants were advised to carry their UPSEE 2020 admit cards along with a valid ID proof.
Moreover, all safety measures were practised at every step. Every student was asked to wear a mask, and entry to the centre was allowed only if the body temperature of the aspirant was in a normal range.
The authorities also cut down on the number of candidates allowed to sit in a particular class. Only 24 candidates were allowed to sit in one classroom or examination hall.
Apart from these other necessary protocols were also carried restricting students to carry any unwanted article like paper, smartphones, pouches, etc. to avoid unfair means.
One of the candidates also shared her experience while giving the UPSEE 2020 examination. As per her, social distancing was maintained both inside and outside the test centre along with other necessary guidelines.
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