MBA (Masters in Business Administration) is a popular professional choice made by students. But there is a fierce competition to get into a prestigious and acclaimed MBA institute. After clearing the written test for B- Schools such as IIM’s and other reputed institutes such as XLRI, or Symbiosis it is important to develop a powerful strategy to make your presence felt in Group discussion.
This is a time-efficient technique as the examiners get a chance to evaluate more candidates at the same time. Your responses and performances in a group setting are gauged and thus personal traits can be assessed. Group discussion is a valuable psychometric tool for a professional evaluator to sift the grain from chaff.
Group discussion; an important aspect for MBA Admissions
Group Discussion is an integral aspect of MBA admissions where your communication skills and abilities to interact are closely monitored and assessed. Group Discussion also is an important pointer for the placement in any global company. You can stand out and outshine other competitors only if you possess the communication skills to handle tricky situations and have the capability to actively participate in the group discussion. Evaluation is done in real time as you grab the opportunity to be heard and make an impact of your viewpoint
Understanding process of Group discussion
- A group of nearly 8 people are given a topic
- Only 2 minutes are given to think and henceforth personal viewpoints are put forward
- Either every individual is allowed to speak first and then open discussion ensues or open discussion starts instantly
Important topics in Group discussion include;
Generally, topics related to real estate, economical state of the country and the world, Infrastructure, Retail, Agri Commodities are discussed. Other topics include discussions regarding popular mergers and trade disputes linked to big business houses. Active discussions are conducted on Stock market, commodities market, growth of Commodity exchanges in India, Hedge Funds, Equities, Mutual funds, Foreign Exchange policies, and how they will impact the market are generally done.
Make adequate preparations to outshine in Group Discussion
It is imperative to be well prepared in advance for a group discussion since getting an entry into a premium Business school for pursuing your MBA is not very simple. The process of participation is quite tough as the chances of error are high due to non-practice. It is essential to have appropriate and good quality content to outshining in Group Discussion .
Types of GD Topics-
For MBA admission, there are four types of GD topics-
- Business and Economy–
Slowdown in Indian Economy, World Economy status, start-up future in India and other topics.
- Current Affairs–
CAA (Citizen Amendment Act), Article 370 Abolition, Student Polictics in India, World current affairs.
- Social Issues-
Focusing on social causes and issues of India and international
- Abstract Topics-
To present the creative side of students
You need to start preparing well in advance for GD by keeping self-updated on things happening in India and abroad. Undergo the mock test and check what questions students may come across for the GD process.