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IFIM Business School Outbound Leadership Camp

The students of IFIM Business School were a part of the Outbound Leadership Camp at Vijayabhoomi University, Karjat, which is a sister concern of IFIM Institutions. It was foundation term at IFIM, and it had hardly been a month since we joined college when we got a notification on the leadership camp. With utmost excitement, we started preparing ourselves as per the checklist given by the college.

Karjat is a serene place at the foothills of the beautiful Western Ghats. We left to Karjat by bus, and it was nearly a 12-hour journey. We were new to each other that, we hardly spoke to one another as we all were glued to our cellphones. In no less than an hour from our departure, a student started playing music. I want to call this an ice-breaking phase as the ones who were not even talking to the person sitting beside, actually started jumping and dancing.

On reaching Karjat, we were greeted by our very own staff members who we were not familiar with. After having a yummy Maharashtrian breakfast, our sports events began. Our entire section was divided into four groups headed by a leader. The groups actually instilled a great sportsman spirit in each of us. There were various tournaments like badminton, table tennis, basketball and physical exercise. To end the exciting day, we had a cultural program at the bonfire which also acted as a competition.

The second day was the most exciting one. We started our day with a 6km trek to the hilltop. The weather was delightful, with slight showers every now and then. Every time I felt I couldn’t make it to the top, it was the nature that motivated me. We were surrounded by waterfalls on all sides. The sounds of the nature were extremely soothing, with the sound of the roaring wind on one side, to the chirping of the birds on the other. Everything was perfect! We came across beautiful moments. From being strangers initially, to lending a hand during a tough time, we grew together as a class.

Karjat was a total package of fun, happiness and a lot of bonding. Not only did we have fun, but we also gained three credits by actively participating in all the programs and activities. We cried together, laughed together and even fought together. I have made some great friends during the trip, and some of them are my best friends now. I’m incredibly thankful to my college for organizing this. In a class full of larvae in our cocoons, this trip helped us transform into butterflies with colourful wings.

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Here is the link to the YouTube video on our trip to Karjat.


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