The IBPS Probationary Officer Prelims 2019 exam will be starting from tomorrow. Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, IBPS PO 2019 prelims exam is scheduled to be held on 12th, 13th and 19th October 2019.
Candidates must download their admit card from the official website of the IBPS. The admit card will contain every bit of details about the exam and the candidate’s details too. Candidates must go through the admit card details before appearing for the exam.
The official website of IBPS PO 2019 will contains all details regarding the exam. Candidates must carry a print copy of the admit card along with a photo ID proof with them to the exam centre. The admit card is a mandatory document.
The official website of IBPS through which candidates can download their admit card and get every detail regarding the PO 2019 exam is www.ibps.in . Candidates must go through the below details basically the do’s and dont’s for the IBPS PO 2019 exam.
IBPS PO Prelims 2019 Important Instructions to be followed:
- Candidates must carry the downloaded admit card to the exam centre without which candidates won’t be allowed to enter the exam centre.
- Any photo ID card must be there with the candidates which they need to produce at the exam centre during the invigilation process.
- Candidate’s photo ID card must match with the admit card or else candidature will be cancelled.
- Candidates must mention their roll number and registration number on the photocopy of the ID card which needs to be submitted.
- Thumb impression of the candidate’s must be given in front of the invigilator.
- Candidates must not wear any ornaments unless it is necessary.
Calculators are not allowed. Candidates also needs to be report to the exam centre ahead of time.
Candidates can get more information on preparing for IBPS PO 2019 from the below link.