The news is coming out from the IBPS PO 2019 exam official as they have let out the official notifications for the exam. Candidates are asked to check the book list of the prelim’s examination, which is about to happen. Official website of IBPS PO 2019, https://www.ibps.in/ .
The examination will be conducted on the 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th of October 2019. The registration process is all set to begin on 7th August 2019. The examination is held to select the position of management trainee and probationary officer in various public sector banks. There will be two rounds of the test. One is the prelims round, and the other is the leading examination round. The prelims round will happen for one hour, and the main study will occur for 3 hours and 30 minutes, which is quite longer than the prelims examination.
The online registration will happen on 7th August 2019, and the admit card will be provided in September 2019. The examination will be held on 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th of October 2019. IBPS main exam will be happening in the last week of November 2019.
The examination results are expected in December 2019.