Dear readers,
IBPS recently released the scores of shortlisted candidates for IBPS PO 2015 interviews. Many candidates who appeared for personal interviews (PI) are quite curious to know about cut-offs. Therefore, in this article we will discuss the expected cut-offs for the interview as well as final scores. We will also discuss basic facts related to the selection process.
IBPS PO Mains actual cutoffs:
The IBPS CWE PO 2015 Mains exam was successfully conducted on 31st October, 2015. Though a large number of candidates appeared for this exam, around 40,763 candidates have qualified for the interview round.
Given below are the cut-offs for IBPS PO 2015 Mains exam, which was worth a total of 200 marks.
Category No. of Marks
General 76
OBC 76
SC 50
ST 47.75
IBPS PO 2015 Interviews:
1. The personal interview carries 100 marks. For General category candidates, the minimum qualifying marks for the interview is not less than 40% and for OBC/SC/ST/PWD candidates it is not less than 35%.
2. The final score will be based on marks obtained in the Mains exam as well as the interview in the ratio 80:20 respectively. After clearing the PI with high merit, you will be shortlisted for provisional allotment in one of the participating organisations.
3. IBPS will release the final result by April 2016. It might release a reserve list along with the final result, which will be valid till March 31st, 2017.
4. If two or more candidates obtain the same final scores, the merit order will be decided based on their date of birth.
Expected Final cut-offs:
Let us go through the previous year’s cut-offs before calculating the same for this year.
Category No. of Marks
General 82
OBC 80
SC 70
ST 56
As we can observe, this year’s Mains exam cut-offs are relatively less than that of last year’s. However, it is likely that the difficulty level and allotment of marks for IBPS interviews remain the same as that of 2014 and 2015.
The final scores will be calculated based on the Mains exam and interview marks in the ratio 80:20 respectively. In other words, marks obtained in the Mains exam will be calculated out of 80 and marks obtained in the interview will be calculated out of 20. So,
The final score = [Mains exam marks/ 200 x 80] + [Interview marks/100 x 20]
Due to the decrease in Mains exam cut-offs, the final cut-offs might also decrease this year.
So, before calculating this year’s final cutoffs let’s go through the IBPS PO 2014 final cutoffs
The final cutoffs for IBPS PO 2014 are,
Category No. of Marks
General 49.6
OBC 45.6
SC 42.2
ST 36.4
The cutoffs general category candidate in IBPS PO 2014 written exam = 82 marks
The cutoffs general category candidate in IBPS PO 2015 Mains exam = 76 marks
The difference of marks = 6 marks
But, the marks obtained in the Mains exam are calculated out of 80.
So, if we calculate the ‘Difference of marks’ out of 80, we will get the difference in the final cutoffs of IBPS PO 2014 & 2015 respectively (as it is likely that the difficulty level and allotment of marks for IBPS interviews remain the same as that of 2014 and 2015).
Based on this difference we have calculated the expected final cutoff for IBPS PO 2015.
This year’s likely final cutoffs are as follows:
Category Number of Marks
(out of 100, +/-2)
General 47.2
OBC 44
SC 34.2
ST 33.1
Best of Luck!!!!