HSSC Clerk Exam 2019 : Answer Key to release soon
The Haryana Clerk Exam 2019 has been successfully conducted by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission over a period of three days. The exam was held across three consecutive days, beginning on 21st September 2019 and culminating on 23rd September 2019. The HSSC Clerk Exam was conducted in two separate shifts every day, i.e. 10.30 AM to 12.00PM and 3.00PM to 4.30PM. The Haryana Staff Selection Commission organised the HSSC Clerk Exam 2019 to fill 4,858 vacancies across various departments of the Haryana Government. Candidates who are able to achieve the required marks to clear the examination will then be eligible to participate in the further process for recruitment for these clerical positions. The total marks allocated to the written exam were 90, while 10 marks were allotted to experience and socio-economic criterion. Both the marks will then be combined to prepare a merit list for the HSSC Clerk Exam 2019.
HSSC Clerk Exam 2019: Format of the Question Paper
As mentioned earlier, the written component of the HSSC Clerk Exam 2019 comprised of 90 marks. There were 90 multiple choice type questions which the candidates were supposed to answer. The questions from Maths, English, Hindi, Computers, General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, and Science were given a weight of 75% while the remaining 25% weight was given to subjects like Culture, Environment, Civics, Literature, Current Affairs, Geography. As per the feedback from the candidates, around 60-70 good attempts were made by the candidates, out of 90. The difficulty level was gauged by candidates as easy to moderate.
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HSSC Clerk Exam 2019: Answer Key
Now that the written examination part of the recruitment process for HSSC Clerk 2019 has completed, candidates are waiting for the release of the answer key. According to the past trends followed by Haryana Staff Selection Commission, the answer key for HSSC Clerk 2019 Exam should be available within the next 4-5 days. The answer key will be released on the official website of HSSC @ hssc.gov.in. Candidates need to log-on to the official website and use their details to download the answer key and compare it with their response sheet.
The answer key will be released in a PDF format which the candidates must download on their system and take a printout. Then the answer key should be compared with the response sheet in order to ascertain the probable marks in the exam as well as find out any errors. If any candidate has any objections, the same must be raised through an email addressed to the Secretary of Haryana Staff Selection Commission. It is also possible that a direct link for raising objections will be placed on the website. Once all the objections are received, they will be analysed, and only then a final answer key will be published by the HSSC which will come along with a merit list of selected candidates.