The Human Resource Development Minister has said that JNU is the top University for education and research purposes. This statement was made after 18 students from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) emerged successful in the UPSC IES examination.
According to the reports in the Indian Economic Services (IES) results declared by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), 18 out of the 32 candidates were successful in the test and are from the Delhi-based central university.
After this result, the HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank expressed his happiness by saying that it gives him a great pleasure that out of a total of 32 successful candidates in the prestigious Indian Economic Service (IES) examination, 18 students are from JNU and so this is the reason he stated that JNU is one of the top educational University
The final result of the Indian Economic Service/ Indian Statistical Service exam was declared on the 10th of January 2020 by the UPSC. There was a total number of 64 candidates, out of which there were 32 candidates who cleared the examination in each of the services.
Yashaswini Saraswat, who is among the top 10 and has scored 8th rank in the examination said that after a series of the recent unwanted events of JNU, it is also necessary to show a good side of the University. She also added that she is glad that she is a part of JNU and is proud to achieve this achievement.
The candidates have been selected on the basis of a written test that was conducted in June 2019, and the candidates who qualified this examination were then selected for a Personality test that was held in December 2019 and January 2020.
The Commission, this year has announced 32 vacancies for various posts under the Indian Economic Service and 33 vacancies through the Indian Statistical Service exam. As compared to the vacancy number of last year, it was seen that this year the number has increased by 41%.
The Indian Economic Service or IES exam, as it is commonly referred to, is given by the aspiring Economics postgraduates. The candidates with a Masters degree in Applied Economics, Business Economics and Econometrics are eligible to appear for the examination.
In case of the Indian Statistical Service Exam, the candidates with a Bachelor’s Degree with Mathematical Statistics/ Statistics/ Applied Statistics as one of the subjects or a Master’s degree in Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Applied Statistics are eligible for the exam.
Recently, JNU has been a center of attraction for a month-long protest between the students and the administration that occurred because of the fee hike. However, this news has restored academic activities and also the positive side of the University.