If you are a Non-Engineer or a Non-Mathematics Background student or someone who lacks in Mathematics, here are the Important Tips along with some Free Videos (Links Provided below), that you can watch to overcome the “Maths-Weakness”.
Whether you are preparing for CAT, XAT, NMAT, SNAP or any other MBA /IPM /BBA/Competitive Exam, it is important for you to have good command on Quantitative Aptitude Concepts. Most of these Exams have 25% to 33% of questions directly based on Mathematics, and another 15-20% questions (like Series, Coding, data Interpretations, etc) which, indirectly, require good hold on Quantitative Aptitude.
Being Good at Quants Means –
1] Complete Clarity of Basics of Maths Concepts (For example, can you calculate 4^1.5?)
2] Fast and accurate Calculations (Are you able to calculate 4.166 % of 600 accurately, in 2-3 seconds?)
3] Ability to Apply the concepts learned in problems (For example, what concept will be used – HCF or LCM – when you want to tile a rectangular floor with Maxi. Size tiles?)
After training thousands of students for CAT, IPMAT and other Entrance exams over the period, I figured out the reasons for students not performing well in Quantitative Aptitude, and also the solutions to overcome this challenge.
The prime reason for most of the students giving up in the Quants section, is the lack of availability of right inputs at the beginning of the preparations. So, if you are planning to start your preparations from now or already started your preparations but still lacking in the Mathematics Section, you must start/re-start your preparations by watching the following 20 videos on Basics of Maths on YouTube, which is completely FREE for everyone.
Link for Basics of Maths Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh-uxFrOdsq_-WMM8AmeAF4vpWy2UWVbe
Now, let’s talk about how to make maximum out of these videos and proceed forward. Watch each video, and pause the video whenever I ask a question and try to answer it before watching the solution. After completing every video, practice at least 20-25 questions on that topic from R S Agrawal book, which good collection of Basic Aptitude questions. You can also access more videos and the lecture notes for the above videos from here:
Tinyurl.com/Ronak-Sir (Completely Free for all)
Once you have completed the Basics of Maths series, then you can start with the other Topics like –
- Number System
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Modern maths
Once again, after completing a particular topic from each of the above areas, practice at least 20 questions from any popular book on Quantitative Aptitude for CAT / IPMAT. While practicing questions, do not jump to LOD 3 (Level of Difficulty 3) questions. Rather, focus more on solving questions of Level of Difficulty 1 and 2.
Remember – In the initial phase of your preparations, how much time do you take to solve each question is not important. But how accurately you solve that question is more important. So, do not worry much about the time part. Once you have completed all the above-mentioned areas, in the second lap of your preparations, you will automatically see the reduction in time taken per question, as you would be able to see the question in Totality (i.e. approaching question with understanding to all the concepts of Quantitative Aptitude)
I am sure that this approach will be helpful to you in improving your performance in Quant section of the exam you are targeting. Do not forget to share your feedback as the comments below each video.
Ronak Shah
Ronak Shah is the Founder of Proton Training Solutions, Pune, and also an acclaimed Educator for Quantitative Aptitude, Logical reasoning and data Interpretations Subjects, on Unacademy CAT Channel on YouTube. Ronak Sir has more than 13 years of Training experience for exams like CAT IPMAT XAT SNAP CMAT and other MBA and BBA entrances. Sir has trained more than 20,000 students in this period through Online and Offline Sessions. Ronak shah has also appeared for CAT many times and scored 99 percentile in Quant section.
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