The recruitment news is coming out from the HCL as they are inviting applications for the post of assistant foreman and mining mate for the copper project. Candidates can go through the eligibility criteria before proceeding with the registration. The last date of applications will be exactly one month after the date of the official publication of the news and advertisement in the formal employment news.
Vacancy Details:
There will be a total of 26 vacant posts, and 11 posts will be for foreman posts, and 15 posts will be for mining gate grade. Candidates must hold a degree in the mining engineering and three years’ experience in a company to apply for this post and the certificates will be verified in the process.
The eligible applicants can apply in the prescribed format in the official website, https://www.hindustancopper.com/ and any delay will not be encouraged as per the rules of the company.
Selection Process:
After the selection process gets over, there will be a document verification process in which the mandatory documents of the candidates will be verified before confirmed selection, and the offer letter will be provided to the candidates after the document verification round. We wish all candidates all the best for the selection process.