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HEC, Paris joins Goldman Sachs ‘10,000 WOMEN’ initiative

By creating a track of courses taught by Tsinghua SEM on the model of the 3 A12 month entrepreneurship track of the HEC MBA, the program aims to provide the foundation for educating women entrepreneurs with a global perspective. With the help of HEC faculty members, the primary objective of the program is to develop women leaders in China to enhance their participation in the development of China. As a second objective, Tsinghua SEM and HEC will share expertise in leadership and entrepreneurship to further develop business education in these fields.

The specific program activities that will result from this partnership include the creation of an Entrepreneurship Track Program for Chinese women to become entrepreneurs. This certificate program will train underserved Chinese women who aspire to or currently operate their own business, aiming to provide them with the integrated entrepreneurial and managerial education with a global perspective.

Through 10,000 Women, Goldman Sachs is committing $100 million to support partnerships with universities and development organizations to provide a generation of women in under-served areas around the world with a business and management education. In the process, these partnerships will help future generations of entrepreneurs and managers by strengthening the underlying quality and capacity of business education through professor training and the development of innovative curricula and locally relevant case studies.

aWe are honored to be a part of Goldman Sachs 10000 Women Initiative. In partnership with Tsinghua SEM, we will create an Entrepreneurship Track Program to help deserving Chinese women entrepreneurs develop knowledge, skills and networks necessary to create innovative and sustainable business in China. Our credo aThe more you know, the more you darea emphasizes the entrepreneurship spirit instilled by its programsa said ValArie Gauthier, Associate Dean of the MBA Program.

Additional 10,000 Women partnerships were announced on September 15, 2008, at an event held in Goldman Sachsa offices in London. These new academic partnerships include:
a SaA d Business School, University of Oxford in the UK and Zhejiang University in China
a HEC Paris in France and Tsinghua SEM in China
a INSEAD in France and Singapore and FundaAAo Dom Cabral (FDC) in Brazil
a IE Business School in Spain and FGV-EAESP (FundaAAo Getulio Vargas Escola de AdministraAAo de Empresas de Sao Paulo) in Brazil
a IESE Business School in Spain and University of Asia and the Pacific in the Philippines
a London Business School in the UK and the National Entrepreneurship Network a Wadhwani Foundation Initiative in India
a University of Cambridge represented by Judge Business School and the Cambridge Assessment Group in the UK and Camfed International in Zambia

More detailed information about 10,000 Women and its partnerships can be found at

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