Discover the golden rules to ace the IIM Ahmedabad MBA journey with insights from Gopi Ethamukkalam, IIM gold medalist, Batch 2023-24. Learn his tips on excelling academically, building networks, and managing challenges effectively.


In the recent instalment of #MBACampusTalk, we had a candid discussion with Gopi Ethamukkalam – Batch 2023-24 PGPX, an IIM Ahmedabad gold medalist, to gain his insights on excelling in an MBA programme at IIM, managing challenges, and navigating the application process. He emphasised prioritising academic work, building networks, and staying relevant in the market. Ethamukkalam also stressed the importance of being clear about priorities and outcomes to allocate time and resources effectively. Additionally, he highlighted the value of participating in extracurricular activities and networking opportunities during an MBA programme and shared his unique experiences with the IIM Ahmedabad admission process. Join us as we explore the exciting journey of Gopi Ethamukkalam.

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MBA Experience and Career Background with 15 Years of Experience in Finance and Management

I have a background in finance and management accounting, with 15 years of experience working in various industries before pursuing my MBA. I chose the IIM Ahmedabad MBA programme due to its reputation and the opportunity to gain a global perspective on business.

MBA Programme at IIM Ahmedabad, Priorities, Consistency, and Networking

Wanting to upskill and stay closer to my family led me to choose the IIM Ahmedabad MBA programme over others. The programme’s openness to accepting senior professionals like me made it the obvious choice. To excel in the MBA programme, I prioritised academic work, built networks, and sought help from professors. Consistency and clarity of priorities were key to my success. I emphasise the importance of prioritising time and energy according to one’s desired outcomes in the MBA programme.

Coping with Low Points in MBA Programmes, Emphasising Family Support, Exercise, and Sports

During low points in the MBA programme, I relied on family support, maintained a routine, engaged in sports, and managed expectations. I suggest having a support system, staying physically active, and maintaining a positive attitude to overcome challenges in an MBA programme.

Career Changes and Risk Appetite After MBA Programme

My perspective on my profession changed post-MBA, with a greater focus on building networks and understanding industry leaders’ perspectives. I engaged in extracurricular activities, such as helping a professor conduct a seminar and organising speaker series, which enriched my MBA journey. I emphasise the importance of trusting others, focusing on what you can control, and letting go of unnecessary worries.

Admissions to IIM, with Insights on Being Authentic and Complementing the Batch

My secret to success during the admission process was being myself and staying authentic. A striking moment during my personal interview was demonstrating my willingness to learn and share knowledge with others. The interview process at IIM Ahmedabad was unique, with the panel focusing on commitment and fitment in addition to standard questions.

MBA Programme at IIM Ahmedabad, with Insights on Leadership Skills and Career Growth

IIM Ahmedabad helped foster my leadership skills and supported my career growth. I advise students to understand why they want to pursue an MBA, not just for the degree.

MBA Application Process and Personal Growth

Reflecting on my goals and assessing the value addition of an MBA programme was crucial. I emphasise the importance of being authentic and transparent during the application process. My MBA experience was humbling and transformative, providing valuable insights and resources for aspirants.

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