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Glass Jar and Two Cups of Tea

Here is a nice story about life. It tells us how and what we should prefer more in life. I suppose most of your have already read this story somewhere, but let it give one more chance in our life.

A professor of philosophy came in the classroom and told the students that he is going to teach an important lesson of life.

He brought along a big glass jar and kept it on the table and then he began putting table tennis balls in the jar until the jar was full enough, not to take any more balls.

He asked the students, “Is the jar completely filled?”

Students shouted, “Yes.”

Then Professor started putting small stone fillings in the jar. He shook the jar and a good amount of stone filling were adjusted in the jar.

The Professor asked again, “Is the jar completely filled now?”

Students shouted once again, ”Yes.”

Then the Professor started pouring sand slowly in that jar. Sand made its way into the jar where it was possible. Now students laughed at their innocence.

Professor asked again “Now this jar is completely filled, isn’t it?”

Students said,” Yes, Now it is full.”

Then professor took two cup of tea and poured into the jar.The tea made its place in the jar and was soaked by the sand.

Now Professor started explaining everything in a serious voice.

Consider this glass jar as your life. The most important things are table tennis balls i.e. God, family, kids, friends, Health and hobbies. Small stone fillings symbolises your job, car, house etc. Sand means some more small useless things like estrangement, misunderstandings, quarrels etc.

Now, if you fill the glass jar with sand first then there will be no space left for balls and stone fillings. Or if you put stone fillings first then there will be no room for table tennis ball, but still that could hold sands.

Same philosophy applies to life.

If you are going behind those little things and destroying you energy on them then you will not have much time to spend on the necessary and important things.

What is important for the happiness of soul? First decide that. Play with your children, put water in the garden, and go for morning walk with wife.Throw out all useless stuff from home; go for medical check-up regularly. Worry about table tennis balls first, that is most important. First decide what is important? Rest all is send only.

Students were listening attentively.

Suddenly a student asked, “Sir, but you have not told anything about those two cups of tea.” What is that meant for?

Professor smiled and said,” I was expecting this question for a long time.”

The answer is, “no matter how busy, complete and satisfied your life seems, but there must be place for sharing two cups of tea with your special friend.

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