Dear readers,
This quiz consists of actual questions from various
Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your answers/
responses in the comments section below and soon we’ll let you know the correct
1. The money that is deposited in a bank and cannot be
withdrawn for a preset fixed period of time is known as a
(a) Term deposit (b) Checking Account (c) Savings
Bank Deposit (d) No Frills
Account (e) Current Deposit
2. A worldwide financial messaging network which
exchanges messages between banks and financial institutions is known as
(a) CHAPS (b) SWIFT (c)
3. The 5th Asian Indoor Athletics championship was organized
in February 2012 in
(a) Bangladesh (b) India (c) Qatar (d) China (e) South Korea
4. The term ‘Smart money’ refers to
(a) Foreign Currency (b)
Internet Banking (c) US Dollars
(d) Travellers’ Cheques (e)
Credit Cards
5. Which of the following is not a ‘Money Market
(a) Treasury bills (b)
Commercial paper (c) Certificate of
Deposit (d) Equity shares (e) None of these
6. Which of the following is a retail banking product?
(a) Home Loans (b) Working
capital finance (c) Corporate term
loans (d) Infrastructure
financing (e) Export Credit
7. In the summit of which of the following organizations/
group of nations was it decided that all members would enforce Budgetary
(a) G-8 (b)
OPEC (c) European Union (d) SAARC (e) G-20
8. As per newspaper reports, India would use ‘SEU’ as
fuel in its 700MW nuclear reactors being developed in new plants. What is the
full form of ‘SEU’ as used here?
(a) Safe Electrical Units (b) Small Electrical Units (c) Slightly Enriched Uranium (d) Sufficiently Enriched Units (e) Safely Enriched Uranium
9. Technological advancement in recent times has given a
new dimension to banks. This impact is mainly seen in which of the following
(a) New Age Financial Derivatives
(b) Service Delivery Mechanism
(c) Any Banking (d) Any
Type Banking (e) Multilevel Marketing
10. When there is a difference between the receipts
and the expenditure of the Govt of India, both capital and revenue, such that
the expenditure exceeds the receipts, it is called
(a) Revenue Deficit
(b) Budgetary Deficit (c) Zero
(d) Trade Gap
(e) Balance of payments problem
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Correct answers:
1(a), 2(e), 3(d), 4(e), 5(d), 6(a), 7(c), 8(c), 9(b), 10(b)