Xlri BM interview
8th march, Delhi
Xat: 99.01
GK: 92.xx
GD topic: Justice is never given, it has to be extracted everytime.
There were three panelists.
P1: So Utkarsh why did you change your interview slot.
M: Sir I received a call from Xlri and they only changed my slot on their own from 14th to 8th march.
P2: Give us a quick recap of Utkarsh from school to college to work.
M: Spoke for around 3-4 minutes covering major details and putting more emphasis on my work ex as I wanted to drive the interview in that direction.
P2 & P1 then cross questioned on my role and the working of our start-up.
P1 advised some structural changes in the working of our startup but then I convinced them of why we chose to work it this way.
P1: So u have mentioned demonetization in the questionnaire… Why u think it’s good?
M: Talked about cashless economy, less chances of black money, more technological advancements, people understanding the advantages of digital transactions and making a shift towards them
P1: Can u tell us how many digital transactions are taking place currently in our country.
M: Currently I guess 20 out of 100 in urban areas and 1 out of 100 in rural areas.
P2: So how these numbers gonna improve.
M: Talked about a few measures adopted by gov and need to educate ppl about the same.
Btw P3 was just looking and observing me and smiling.
P1: U have mentioned POS in questionnaire, what’s the full form
M: I said it wrong…all three gave me a big surprised look!! And then thankfully I remembered the right one. Which made P3 smile again.
P2: Why didn’t u chose campus placement in TCS rather than joining a startup. (I mentioned it in questionnaire)
M: Linked it to why MBA. And benefits of working in a business development field n then doing MBA in marketing domain.
P1: u have studied in Delhi and working here only…why u want to come to a remote place Jamshedpur.
M: talked about how xlri will help me, the companies which visit xlri and I am interested in.
P2: (With a broad smile) I am not asking a question but suggesting u that u don’t need MBA, u are already working in that profile. MBA would limit ur thinking and would not let u take risks.
M: I nodded smilingly but then talked about how it will be helpful for me in achieving my long term goals.
P3: What u like to do in ur free time
M: love playing n watching cricket.
Then he asked few questions on cricket, IPL, a good discussion on why plyers r sold for such high prices.
P3 looked at p2 and they wished me all the best for future.