Getting admission into the IITs is a lifelong dream for most students who aspire to be an engineer. Thanks to their excellent pedagogy and educational structure, IITs are regarded as the most coveted higher educational institutions of India.
In order to gain admission into the IITs, candidates must appear for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). Every year, one of the IITs handles the responsibility of conducting the GATE and this year the GATE 2020 Exam will be conducted by IIT Delhi.
As the examination dates for GATE 2020 have already been released, there is a buzz amongst the candidates for the release of the admit card. The dates for GATE 2020 have been declared as 1st February 2020, 2nd February 2020, 8th February 2020, and 9th February 2020.
Now, there is an extremely crucial update for all the candidates who are appearing for the GATE 2020 exam in February. The admit cards for the GATE 2020 have now been released by IIT Delhi on the official website for GATE 2020 @ www.gate.iitd.ac.in.
As the admit cards are now available, candidates must immediately log-on to the official website of GATE 2020 and download their admit cards as soon as possible. In order to download their respective admit cards, candidates need to provide their enrolment details and login credentials.
It is mandatory for the candidates to download and take a printout of their admit cards and carry it along on the day of the examination. Any candidate appearing for the GATE 2020 Exam without the admit card and a valid ID proof will not be eligible to appear for the exam.
If there are any queries or requests that the candidates need to make, then they should send their requests to [email protected].
The details pertaining to the examination venue, location, timing, and other important details related to the GATE 2020 exam will be mentioned in the admit card. Candidates should follow those details properly and do not listen to any rumours or news on social media.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for GATE 2020 Electrical Engineering Exam / GATE 2020 Civil Engineering Exam
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) –
Question: Which is the official website to download the GATE 2020 admit card?
The official website to download the GATE 2020 admit card is www.gate.iitd.ac.in.
Question: When will the admit cards be released for the GATE 2020 exam?
Answer: The admit cards for the GATE 2020 exam have already been released on 3rd January 2030 on the official website of GATE 2020.
Question: In case of any queries or requests, where should the emails be sent to?
Answer: If the candidates have any queries, then they should send their requests to [email protected].
Question: Which are the dates for GATE 2020 exam?
Answer: The dates for GATE 2020 have been declared as 1st February 2020, 2nd February 2020, 8th February 2020, and 9th February 2020.